71 Best Tinder Pick Up Lines For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co

best tinder pickup lines to get laid

best tinder pickup lines to get laid - win

Tinder Pickup Lines

Discover the best tinder pickup lines, from cheesy to funny ways of starting conversations on Tinder the dating app. Vote on the pickup lines that you like and downvote the ones that are cringe-worthy.

2021 Update: ACTUAL advice for men on how to get more matches and dates on Tinder

Updated 2/12/2021:
- Tinder Platinum - Pandemic dating ——-
Dating apps like Tinder are the most popular way to meet people these days, especially now during a global pandemic. However so many men fail to do well on them mostly because they just don’t understand all the nuance of how they work.
This subreddit is nothing but a bunch of sad memes about how guys can’t get matches, hell I’ve even made a couple haha but it seems no one actually ever wants to offer any real advice on how to fix that though.
Take myself for example, someone who’s 5’8, black and about a solid 7 or 8 depending on the day. I knew I was never ugly but for some reason always wondered why my luck was so bad on this app. Usually I would get about a couple of matches a month...if I was lucky. Then I decided to run an experiment and pay for Tinder gold (check the new updated section about Tinder Platinum) and a couple of boosts. My likes and matches skyrocketed and in one 30 minute period had over 50+ likes and 20+ matches.
So I asked myself how is this possible especially when I live in one of the worst areas for dating? After doing some research and going through a bunch of trial and error, I’m going share to you what is going on; Although some may know about this stuff, most don’t.
Dating apps are completely over saturated with men and thus women tend to get favored more and always shown to people no matter what. Men on the other hand aren’t so lucky and are prioritized on a number of different things.
When you first make a tinder account as a guy you get a short 12 hour boost which makes your profile shown to as many people as possible which slowly dissipates from then on out. This short boost also happens on other apps like Bumble but theirs is only about 30 minutes. The more women who are swiping on you means that you will be prioritized and shown to even more women. If tinder decides that you aren’t attractive enough or enough women aren’t swiping on you then you go to the bottom of the stack and seen by less and less people. It can get so bad that eventually no one can see your profile anymore unless you pay for a boost.
The first tip I can give is to STOP 🛑 swiping on every woman’s profile in a desperate attempt to get matches because that ultimately hurts your ‘ratio’. Your ratio is the amount of matches you get vs the number of right swipes you’re giving. So if you’re just swiping on people without matching that means tinder will show you to even fewer people and your ratio will go down. This is part of the hidden algorithm.
1. Only swipe on women whom you think would have the best chance of swiping back - Women are picky and it’s no secret; you would be to if you had 500 matches sitting in your inbox, let’s be honest here. Only a handful of guys will be able to circumvent this so just do your best judging who you think might have the most interest in you. It’s hard because I’ve seen how women swipe (via friends I’ve met off the app) and they are brutal.
2. Only swipe during peak hours - Most people aren’t swiping on weekdays or in of the middle of the afternoon. The best times to swipe are on Sunday/Monday nights between 8-10pm. Swiping during a ‘Swipe Surge’ is fine too which typically happen at night. Don’t hurt your ratio by swiping on a random Wednesday because you’re bored at work because no one will see your profile.
3. Pay for 1 boost a week during the peak times I described above. - Yeah having to spend money on these apps no one likes to do but in the case of Tinder, it’s pretty much mandatory for 90% of men because of the way it works against us. Spending $7 to get matches isn’t that big of the deal and sometimes Tinder does discounts for $0.99 cent boosts. Cmon now, you’ll be spending a lot more on the date 😂
The biggest thing that gets men down on these apps are the things they have no control over like their height, hobbies or who finds them attractive. Don’t feel like you have to try to appeal to everyone because that’s simply not possible.
One strong piece of advice is that if a woman is judging your hobbies and thinks you’re boring because of that, chances are you aren’t compatible with them and that’s okay. Keep swiping and find someone who has the same interests as you. One woman may think hiking is boring but another might love it and find it fascinating.
Another good piece of advice is not to put your height in your profiles because if someone asks you about it then that means they’re there for all the wrong reasons.
Yes everyone has preferences but unless you’re abnormally short for your gender (like 5’2 for a guy) then don’t bother because if she likes you for you then height won’t matter in the end anyways.
A persons height isn’t going to help you find meaningful connections and if anything it will actually limit your chances even more. You might want some dude who’s 6’1 but your perfect match may be 5’10 so you end up missing out on your future husband because of something you’ll care about for 10 minutes and forget about.🤷🏽‍♂️
Only focus on things that you can control such as the quality of your profile and how you portray yourself. STOP 🛑 taking selfie pictures in your house/bathroom and instead go outside! I learned this the hard way so I bought a tripod for my phone off Amazon for a measly $20 and took some nice photos of me doing things I actually enjoy.
Generally it’s important to have ‘six’ really high quality pictures: three waist up ones that show you at your best with at least one of those being a full body shot. The other three should be of you doing fun activities. The woman can’t learn anything about who you are or what you like to do just by having nothing but 6 face pictures from different angles...
Examples include being at a bar, fishing, hiking your favorite trail, being friendly with animals, skateboarding or whatever it may be. Maybe even one of yourself painting or reading a book if that’s what you like to do and are genuinely into.
Avoid posting pictures of yourself with other women or other guy friends. Yeah it’s nice to show you’re upbeat and like hanging out with people but that should be a given unless you’re so introverted in which case you probably should work on that before trying online dating. The point here is that sometimes they may find the other guys in the picture more attractive than you which is what you DO NOT want. If you are going to do it, at least make sure you stand out and are the core focus of the photo.
The amount of attention I was getting drastically went up after making these changes.
———————-Pro Tip————————- Some women find shirtless pictures a turn off. There is a time and place for it and having it front and center as your first or second picture is a sure fire way to get swiped left on.
If you want to display your physique or that you workout, have a picture towards the end of you at the beach or some place that requires your shirt to be off in a natural setting.
Also keep in mind that I’ve also had a decent results with having my abs front and center. It really just depends on what you’re there for. You’d be surprised at how many women still swipe right on a nice set of abs because shocker...women get horny too. 😂 —————————————————————
Like I mentioned a bit earlier some women are harsh when it comes to swiping. Usually they will look at your bio if they need that extra umph to swipe right so make it count!
Your bio should be short, concise and to the point. No one wants to take the time to read through a really messy 500 word essay. Give a brief description of yourself, maybe some accomplishments and lastly what you’re looking for. Your pictures are the meat and potatoes of your profile and should already do a great job of showing your interests and hobbies if done right.
Make sure to stay away from listing turn offs in your bio or things that come off as passive aggressive. For example don’t say something like “don’t swipe right if you’re [Insert something stupid here]” or “I like a woman who can cook” etc. these come off as instant turn offs because you’re already writing the person off before you knew anything about them and potentially missed out on your future wife.
Once you have matches please for the love of all that is holy STOP 🛑 sending pickup lines and referencing things people put into their bios!!! You don’t think women catch on to the same tired pickup lines everyone passes around? Everyone is trying so darn hard to be original that they forget the best way to truly be original is to be themselves.
Don’t be afraid to message with something meaningful like asking what their best quality is or something they’re passionate about. This helps open the door to discuss similar interests and even a possible first date idea.
Women who are showing interest in you will engage and engage in a reasonable amount of time. If she’s leaving you on read or taking 10 hours in between each message you know it’s time to move on. This all comes down to common courtesy which is kinda scarce these days but showing interest is not a sign of weakness. It’s okay to message back right away and let people respond on their own time.
Also...never double message if they aren’t responding to what you wrote earlier in a desperate attempt to grab their attention again.
Stop chasing women, they are human beings just like men. They need to show YOU that they also deserve you and not just cater to this one-sided the guy needs to do everything BS.
Despite Tinder having a reputation for being a glorified hookup app these days, people are all swiping for different things including real connections and relationships.
Make sure to put exactly what you’re looking for in your bio because women will respect that more than matching only to find out they just wasted 2 hours talking to someone who just wanted sex right away. Yeah, the ladies want to get laid too but at least be respectful about it and not lead with that.
If you’re swiping in the 18-24 age range, typically you aren’t looking for something serious but make sure to feel that out. Ages 25-35 more than likely they aren’t only there to play games. This isn’t true for everyone but just a general rule of thumb.
———————Pro Tip———————- Women are being bombarded by hundreds of matches and messages on a daily basis. Their job is to sort and sift through the possible options and get rid of the creeps and jerks. The best way to make yourself stand out is giving her a very interesting and engaging message she can’t help but reapond to, something to make her think. Avoid things like “hey” and “what’s up” in favor of something like, “How was your weekend [Her name], I just got done doing [Insert fun hobby”]. A guy who can have a real conversation and be engaging will automatically put you ahead of 80% of the other guys messaging her. ———————————————————-
I’ll never understand why there is such a strong stigma against sending super likes...they work wonders! Some people are so scared to seem desperate that they forget that it’s ACTUALLY OKAY to show that you’re interested. Way too many games are being played these days with dating and if someone doesn’t like that then they probably aren’t the one for you.
If you pay for Tinder Gold you get 5 super likes a day so make use of them. Lately I’ve been out with a few women I’d consider 10s because I sent them a super like. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Tinder recently added a new service called Tinder Platinum which is an ‘upgrade’ if you already have gold and being completely honest as having used it myself...this shit actually works wonders.
The way it works is that whenever you send a like to a woman, your profile will automatically be the first one she sees the next time she logs onto the app or swipes. Another benefit is being able to send short messages along with your super likes similar to other apps like Hinge.
Using this premium feature works wonders and your matches go up drastically. Mostly because of what I mentioned above which is most guys aren’t even getting shown to most of the women they swipe on.
Long story short, if you have the money and actually want to forget about everything I said this far in this guide...buy it 😂
Depending on where you live some things are starting to open back up like restaurants or bars however that doesn’t mean everyone is willing to meetup right away especially if they haven’t been vaccinated or tested.
The best solution to getting to know someone is a simple video call. I’ve been having a few lately myself and it makes things so much easier and saves everyone the hassle of wasting time if there isn’t a vibe or immediate connection.
Doing a video chat is also a great way to weed out the immature folks out there. In this day and age most don’t even like having a simple phone call let alone video chat so if they agree then you know you’re on the right track. There is absolutely in no way shape or form any way to get to know someone over texting.
When I did a FaceTime call for the first time with someone it honestly ended up being one of the best dates I’d ever had than any in-person date. We were able to see our attitudes, tones and talk about everything we would on the first date anyways. Once we finally do get to meet in-person you’ll have all that wack dry talk out of the way and can really see if you vibe.
Now obviously these are just tips based on my own personal experience with Tinder and online dating in general. The truth of the matter is that yes, physical attraction plays a big role in who women swipe on and that’s okay. There are so many things you can do to appear more attractive like working out and putting on some muscle tone, standing up straight in your photos with good posture, smiling, having a good haircut that fits you and not having the only thing in your bio be that you love to smoke weed because trust me...absolutely no one cares lol.
The other important stuff like displaying confidence and personality is always going to be hard over the app which is why getting all the other stuff I mentioned down is so important. Once you land the actual date, then you can do the really easy part and finally let your personality traits have time to shine!
Keep in mind that most of this is specifically related to tinder but some of it can also be applied to other apps like Hinge or Bumble etc. everyone on a dating app is a real person and should be treated as such.
Take this advice and you’ll have a lot better luck in the future.
My profile for reference https://imgur.com/a/uKwTreC
Results may vary. Good luck!
submitted by itzLCD to Tinder [link] [comments]

Here are the reasons why most guys don’t do well on Tinder and what they can do to change that

Updated 2/12/2021:
- Tinder Platinum - Pandemic dating ——-
Dating apps like Tinder are the most popular way to meet people these days, especially now during a global pandemic. However so many men fail to do well on them mostly because they just don’t understand all the nuance of how they work.
This subreddit is nothing but a bunch of sad memes about how guys can’t get matches, hell I’ve even made a couple haha but it seems no one actually ever wants to offer any real advice on how to fix that though.
Take myself for example, someone who’s 5’8, black and about a solid 7 or 8 depending on the day. I knew I was never ugly but for some reason always wondered why my luck was so bad on this app. Usually I would get about a couple of matches a month...if I was lucky. Then I decided to run an experiment and pay for Tinder gold (check the new updated section about Tinder Platinum) and a couple of boosts. My likes and matches skyrocketed and in one 30 minute period had over 50+ likes and 20+ matches.
So I asked myself how is this possible especially when I live in one of the worst areas for dating? After doing some research and going through a bunch of trial and error, I’m going share to you what is going on; Although some may know about this stuff, most don’t.
Dating apps are completely over saturated with men and thus women tend to get favored more and always shown to people no matter what. Men on the other hand aren’t so lucky and are prioritized on a number of different things.
When you first make a tinder account as a guy you get a short 12 hour boost which makes your profile shown to as many people as possible which slowly dissipates from then on out. The more women who are swiping on you means that you will be prioritized and shown to even more women. If tinder decides that you aren’t attractive enough or enough women aren’t swiping on you then you go to the bottom of the stack and seen by less and less people. It can get so bad that eventually no one can see your profile anymore unless you pay for a boost.
The first tip I can give is to STOP 🛑 swiping on every woman’s profile in a desperate attempt to get matches because that ultimately hurts your ‘ratio’. Your ratio is the amount of matches you get vs the number of right swipes you’re giving. So if you’re just swiping on people without matching that means tinder will show you to even fewer people and your ratio will go down. This is part of the hidden algorithm.
1. Only swipe on women whom you think would have the best chance of swiping back - Women are picky and it’s no secret; you would be to if you had 500 matches sitting in your inbox, let’s be honest here. Only a handful of guys will be able to circumvent this so just do your best judging who you think might have the most interest in you. It’s hard because I’ve seen how women swipe (via friends I’ve met off the app) and they are brutal.
2. Only swipe during peak hours - Most people aren’t swiping on weekdays or in of the middle of the afternoon. The best times to swipe are on Sunday/Monday nights between 8-10pm. Swiping during a ‘Swipe Surge’ is fine too which typically happen at night. Don’t hurt your ratio by swiping on a random Wednesday because you’re bored at work because no one will see your profile.
3. Pay for 1 boost a week during the peak times I described above. - Yeah having to spend money on these apps no one likes to do but in the case of Tinder, it’s pretty much mandatory for 90% of men because of the way it works against us. Spending $7 to get matches isn’t that big of the deal and sometimes Tinder does discounts for $0.99 cent boosts. Cmon now, you’ll be spending a lot more on the date 😂
The biggest thing that gets men down on these apps are the things they have no control over like their height, hobbies or who finds them attractive. Don’t feel like you have to try to appeal to everyone because that’s simply not possible.
One strong piece of advice is that if a woman is judging your hobbies and thinks you’re boring because of that, chances are you aren’t compatible with them and that’s okay. Keep swiping and find someone who has the same interests as you. One woman may think hiking is boring but another might love it and find it fascinating.
Another good piece of advice is not to put your height in your profiles because if someone asks you about it then that means they’re there for all the wrong reasons.
Yes everyone has preferences but unless you’re abnormally short for your gender (like 5’2 for a guy) then don’t bother because if she likes you for you then height won’t matter in the end anyways.
A persons height isn’t going to help you find meaningful connections and if anything it will actually limit your chances even more. You might want some dude who’s 6’1 but your perfect match may be 5’10 so you end up missing out on your future husband because of something you’ll care about for 10 minutes and forget about.🤷🏽‍♂️
Only focus on things that you can control such as the quality of your profile and how you portray yourself. STOP 🛑 taking selfie pictures in your house/bathroom and instead go outside! I learned this the hard way so I bought a tripod for my phone off Amazon for a measly $20 and took some nice photos of me doing things I actually enjoy.
Generally it’s important to have ‘six’ really high quality pictures: three waist up ones that show you at your best with at least one of those being a full body shot. The other three should be of you doing fun activities. The woman can’t learn anything about who you are or what you like to do just by having nothing but 6 face pictures from different angles...
Examples include being at a bar, fishing, hiking your favorite trail, being friendly with animals, skateboarding or whatever it may be. Maybe even one of yourself painting or reading a book if that’s what you like to do and are genuinely into.
Avoid posting pictures of yourself with other women or other guy friends. Yeah it’s nice to show you’re upbeat and like hanging out with people but that should be a given unless you’re so introverted in which case you probably should work on that before trying online dating. The point here is that sometimes they may find the other guys in the picture more attractive than you which is what you DO NOT want. If you are going to do it, at least make sure you stand out and are the core focus of the photo.
The amount of attention I was getting drastically went up after making these changes.
———————-Pro Tip————————- Some women find shirtless pictures a turn off. There is a time and place for it and having it front and center as your first or second picture is a sure fire way to get swiped left on.
If you want to display your physique or that you workout, have a picture towards the end of you at the beach or some place that requires your shirt to be off in a natural setting.
Also keep in mind that I’ve also had a decent results with having my abs front and center. It really just depends on what you’re there for. You’d be surprised at how many women still swipe right on a nice set of abs because shocker...women get horny too. 😂 —————————————————————
Like I mentioned a bit earlier some women are harsh when it comes to swiping. Usually they will look at your bio if they need that extra umph to swipe right so make it count!
Your bio should be short, concise and to the point. No one wants to take the time to read through a really messy 500 word essay. Give a brief description of yourself, maybe some accomplishments and lastly what you’re looking for. Your pictures are the meat and potatoes of your profile and should already do a great job of showing your interests and hobbies if done right.
Make sure to stay away from listing turn offs in your bio or things that come off as passive aggressive. For example don’t say something like “don’t swipe right if you’re [Insert something stupid here]” or “I like a woman who can cook” etc. these come off as instant turn offs because you’re already writing the person off before you knew anything about them and potentially missed out on your future wife.
Once you have matches please for the love of all that is holy STOP 🛑 sending pickup lines and referencing things people put into their bios!!! You don’t think women catch on to the same tired pickup lines everyone passes around? Everyone is trying so darn hard to be original that they forget the best way to truly be original is to be themselves.
Don’t be afraid to message with something meaningful like asking what their best quality is or something they’re passionate about. This helps open the door to discuss similar interests and even a possible first date idea.
Women who are showing interest in you will engage and engage in a reasonable amount of time. If she’s leaving you on read or taking 10 hours in between each message you know it’s time to move on. This all comes down to common courtesy which is kinda scarce these days but showing interest is not a sign of weakness. It’s okay to message back right away and let people respond on their own time.
Also...never double message if they aren’t responding to what you wrote earlier in a desperate attempt to grab their attention again.
Stop chasing women, they are human beings just like men. They need to show YOU that they also deserve you and not just cater to this one-sided the guy needs to do everything BS.
Despite Tinder having a reputation for being a glorified hookup app these days, people are all swiping for different things including real connections and relationships.
Make sure to put exactly what you’re looking for in your bio because women will respect that more than matching only to find out they just wasted 2 hours talking to someone who just wanted sex right away. Yeah, the ladies want to get laid too but at least be respectful about it and not lead with that.
If you’re swiping in the 18-24 age range, typically you aren’t looking for something serious but make sure to feel that out. Ages 25-35 more than likely they aren’t only there to play games. This isn’t true for everyone but just a general rule of thumb.
———————Pro Tip———————- Women are being bombarded by hundreds of matches and messages on a daily basis. Their job is to sort and sift through the possible options and get rid of the creeps and jerks. The best way to make yourself stand out is giving her a very interesting and engaging message she can’t help but reapond to, something to make her think. Avoid things like “hey” and “what’s up” in favor of something like, “How was your weekend [Her name], I just got done doing [Insert fun hobby”]. A guy who can have a real conversation and be engaging will automatically put you ahead of 80% of the other guys messaging her. ———————————————————-
I’ll never understand why there is such a strong stigma against sending super likes...they work wonders! Some people are so scared to seem desperate that they forget that it’s ACTUALLY OKAY to show that you’re interested. Way too many games are being played these days with dating and if someone doesn’t like that then they probably aren’t the one for you.
If you pay for Tinder Gold you get 5 super likes a day so make use of them. Lately I’ve been out with a few women I’d consider 10s because I sent them a super like. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Tinder recently added a new service called Tinder Platinum which is an ‘upgrade’ if you already have gold and being completely honest as having used it myself...this shit actually works wonder.
The way it works is that whenever your send a like to a woman, your profile will automatically be the first one she sees the next time she logs onto the app or swipes. Another benefit is being able to send short messages along with your super likes similar to other apps like Hinge.
Using this premium feature works wonders and your matches go up drastically. Mostly because of what I mentioned above which is most guys aren’t even getting shown to most of the women they swipe on.
Long story short, if you have the money and actually want to forget about everything I said this far in this guide...buy it 😂
Depending on where you live some things are stating to open back up like restaurants or bars however that doesn’t mean everyone is willing to meetup right away especially if they haven’t been vaccinated or tested.
The best solution to getting to know someone is a simple video call. I’ve been having a few lately myself and it makes things such much easier and saves everyone the hassle of wasting time if there isn’t a vibe or immediate connection.
Doing a video chat is also a great way to weed out the immature folks out there. In this day and age most don’t even like having a simple phone call let alone video chat so if they agree then you know you’re on the right track. There is absolutely in no way shape or form any way to get to know someone over texting.
When I did a FaceTime call for the first time with someone it honestly ended up being one of the best dates I’d ever had than any in-person date. We were able to see our attitudes, tones and talk about everything we would on the first date anyways. Once we finally do get to meet in-person you’ll have all that wack dry talk out of the way and can really see if you vibe.
Now obviously these are just tips based on my own personal experience with Tinder and online dating in general. The truth of the matter is that yes, physical attraction plays a big role in who women swipe on and that’s okay. There are so many things you can do to appear more attractive like working out and putting on some muscle tone, standing up straight in your photos with good posture, smiling, having a good haircut that fits you and not having the only thing in your bio be that you love to smoke weed because trust me...absolutely no one cares lol.
The other important stuff like displaying confidence and personality is always going to be hard over the app which is why getting all the other stuff I mentioned down is so important. Once you land the actual date, then you can do the really easy part and finally let your personality traits have time to shine!
Keep in mind that most of this is specifically related to tinder but some of it can also be applied to other apps like Hinge or Bumble etc. everyone on a dating app is a real person and should be treated as such.
Take this advice and you’ll have a lot better luck in the future.
My profile for reference https://imgur.com/a/jN9jTAb
Results may vary. Good luck!
submitted by itzLCD to Tinder [link] [comments]

30 Quick Tips For Attracting Women

  1. If you're going to use Tinder, use the app Photofeeler to get actual women to rate your pictures so you can find out which ones are attractive to women.
  2. If you live in a big city, join your local game global group to find wingmen that you can go out with to meet women.
  3. Make your intentions clear sooner rather than later. You can do this by simply saying, "You're actually kind of cute." at some point. This will prevent you from getting stuck in the friend zone and also shows a lot of confidence which is in itself, attractive.
  4. To get good pictures for dating apps, go meet a friend for a photoshoot and take at least 100 pictures of each other. Most of them will suck, but a few will be really good. Most high-end phones from the last few years can take good enough pictures.
  5. Don't leave meeting women up to chance. Set a goal for going out x times per week and stick to it. Treat this like you would any other skill you want to develop - fitness, learning an instrument, etc. If you don't make a commitment to yourself, you probably won't take any action whatsoever.
  6. Remember that fortune favors the bold, every girl you don't ask out is rejecting you by default. Every girl you do ask out might say yes.
  7. Getting into better shape will be good for your self-image, and it definitely won't hurt your attractiveness to women. Just make sure you don't use "getting ripped" as an excuse to procrastinate on trying to meet women until you meet some mythical goal in the distant future.
  8. If you feel proud of the way you're living your life, women will feel it too. Having hobbies and following your passions in life will change the way you carry yourself and make you significantly more attractive. Read good books, be physically active, learn new skills, these won't only improve your life in general, but they'll improve your dating prospects as well.
  9. Join local groups on the website meetup.com as a way to socialize and meet new people. Some cities will have singles groups you can use as a way to practice flirting.
  10. Pay attention to the way you talk to girls. You may notice that you speak in a higher pitch, and you talk faster. This generally makes you come across as less confident. If this is the case, make a point to add pauses, speak slower, and lower your voice. You can use the app Vocular to practice this consciously.
  11. Read the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. It's a dark book, and it has a lot of manipulation in it, but it also has many deep insights into the psychology behind what makes people fall in love. After reading the book, you will have a much stronger understanding of how to seduce someone.
  12. If you have approach anxiety, start by simply saying hello to girls as you walk by them. That will be easier than a committed approach. Then, once you're used to greeting girls as they walk by, take the next step by approaching a girl and asking her if she knows anywhere good to get food nearby. Once you've done that a few times, you'll eventually reach a point where you're comfortable enough talking to strangers that you'll be able to approach a girl with a direct line like, "I thought you looked interesting, and I had to meet you."
  13. Don't think you have to touch a girl or tease a girl to get a date with her. The only thing you need to do is invite her to hang out with you again; focus on doing that consistently before you worry about anything else.
  14. If you approach multiple women in a short span, you will build something called social momentum. Social momentum is a state of increased confidence in which you stop overthinking and fully trust your instincts. Getting into this state can completely change your perception of yourself. The next tips are key signs that a girl is attracted to you:
  15. She laughs even when you don't say something very funny.
  16. She fills in conversational gaps by asking you questions.
  17. She talks quickly and with a higher pitch than usual.
  18. She touches her hair repeatedly.
  19. She touches you - this one is less common than the others, but it's a very good sign.
  20. Being aware of the signs a girl will give you that she's attracted is helpful, but every girl is different, and the only way to know for sure if someone likes you is to ask her on a date, invite her back to your place, or go for the kiss.
  21. You don't need to have a different kind of conversation with a girl to attract her. You can talk just like you would with your friends. The only difference is that you show your intent at some point and take the lead.
  22. Picking up women should be fun. If you're taking yourself too seriously, women won't find your energy attractive. Make fun of yourself. Make fun of the girls you talk to. Smile, laugh, be playful.k
  23. Game is a skill, but luck plays a significant role, too. If you approach ten girls, there's a high chance that one of them will happen to find you charming, or maybe she just broke up with her boyfriend and is looking for a fling. The more charismatic you are, the higher the percentages will be, but luck will always play a key role, and it's essential to play the numbers game in your favor.
  24. If a girl gives you choosing signals, make sure to approach her. But if, in general, you wait for women to give you clear signs of interest before approaching, you'll probably turn that into an excuse to avoid approaching anyone.
  25. Women enjoy sex more than men. Don't think of sex as something you're trying to get; think of it as a type of value you're offering. This mindset will increase your confidence.
  26. If you want to take online dating seriously, it's worth paying a professional photographer for a photo shoot. High-quality photos can make the difference between women rating you as a 4 and a 9.5. I'm not exaggerating; the difference between the best and worst ratings my pictures get on Photofeeler is more than 5 points.
  27. If you want to become wittier or more charismatic, one of the best sources available is standup comedy specials. Watching them will help you understand humor on a deep level.
  28. If you're struggling to get any dates, honestly ask yourself if anyone else would be getting dates taking the actions you're taking? Are you really trying, or are you thinking too much and not putting yourself out there enough?
  29. Give yourself credit for small wins. A lot of guys think everything other than getting laid is a failure. This will lead you to lose motivation. Instead, be proud of yourself for approaching a girl, for making a woman laugh, for getting a number, every small step in the right direction is a win - it's critical to remember that.
  30. Don't take the decision to get into a relationship lightly. Many men learn about pickup and get into relationships with women that they don't have a great connection with, and they end up getting married and having children with the wrong person. Have very high standards for yourself when it comes to making that commitment because you will spend much of your free time with your significant other.
If you liked this article, you can find more of content like this on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4kTcVi-b_9qQnMCRG9WggA
submitted by Aghayden to seduction [link] [comments]

Here are the reasons why a lot of guys don’t do well on Tinder and key advice on what you can do to fix that.

Dating apps like Tinder are the most popular way to meet people these days, especially now during a global pandemic. However so many men fail to do well on them mostly because they just don’t understand all the nuance of how they work.
If you head on over to Tinder it’s nothing but a bunch of sad memes about how guys can’t get matches, hell I’ve even made a couple haha. No one actually ever wants to offer any real advice on how to fix that though.
Take myself for example, someone who’s 5’8, black and about a solid 7 or 8 depending on the day. I knew I was never ugly but for some reason always wondered why my luck was so bad on this app. Usually I would get about a couple of matches a month...if I was lucky. Then I decided to run an experiment and pay for Tinder gold and a couple of boosts. My likes and matches skyrocketed and in one 30 minute period had over 50+ likes and 20+ matches.
So I asked myself how is this possible especially when I live in one of the worst areas for dating? After doing some research and going through a bunch of trial and error, I’m going share to you what is going on; Although some may know about this stuff, most don’t.
Dating apps are completely over saturated with men and thus women tend to get favored more and always shown to people no matter what. Men on the other hand aren’t so lucky and are prioritized on a number of different things.
When you first make a tinder account as a guy you get a short 12 hour boost which makes your profile shown to as many people as possible which slowly dissipates from then on out. The more women who are swiping on you means that you will be prioritized and shown to even more women. If tinder decides that you aren’t attractive enough or enough women aren’t swiping on you then you go to the bottom of the stack and seen by less and less people. It can get so bad that eventually no one can see your profile anymore unless you pay for a boost.
The first tip I can give is to STOP 🛑 swiping on every woman’s profile in a desperate attempt to get matches because that ultimately hurts your ‘ratio’. Your ratio is the amount of matches you get vs the number of right swipes you’re giving. So if you’re just swiping on people without matching that means tinder will show you to even fewer people and your ratio will go down. This is part of the hidden algorithm.
1. Only swipe on women whom you think would have the best chance of swiping back - Women are picky and it’s no secret; you would be to if you had 500 matches sitting in your inbox, let’s be honest here. Only a handful of guys will be able to circumvent this so just do your best judging who you think might have the most interest in you. It’s hard because I’ve seen how women swipe (via friends I’ve met off the app) and they are brutal.
2. Only swipe during peak hours - Most people aren’t swiping on weekdays or in of the middle of the afternoon. The best times to swipe are on Sunday/Monday nights between 8-10pm. Swiping during a ‘Swipe Surge’ is fine too which typically happen at night. Don’t hurt your ratio by swiping on a random Wednesday because you’re bored at work because no one will see your profile.
3. Pay for 1 boost a week during the peak times I described above. - Yeah having to spend money on these apps no one likes to do but in the case of Tinder, it’s pretty much mandatory for 90% of men because of the way it works against us. Spending $7 to get matches isn’t that big of the deal and sometimes Tinder does discounts for $0.99 cent boosts. Cmon now, you’ll be spending a lot more on the date 😂
The biggest thing that gets men down on these apps are the things they have no control over like their height, hobbies or who finds them attractive. Don’t feel like you have to try to appeal to everyone because that’s simply not possible.
One strong piece of advice is that if a woman is judging your hobbies and thinks your boring because of that, chances are you aren’t compatible with them and that’s okay. Keep swiping and find someone who has the same interests as you. One woman may think hiking is boring but another might love it and find it fascinating.
Only focus on things that you can control such as the quality of your profile and how you portray yourself. STOP 🛑 taking selfie pictures in your house/bathroom and instead go outside! I learned this the hard way so I bought a tripod for my phone off Amazon for a measly $20 and took some nice photos of me doing things I actually enjoy.
Generally it’s important to have ‘six’ really high quality pictures: three waist up ones that show you at your best with at least one of those being a full body shot. The other three should be of you doing fun activities. The woman can’t learn anything about who you are or what you like to do just by having nothing but 6 face pictures from different angles...
Examples include being at a bar, fishing, hiking your favorite trail, being friendly with animals, skateboarding or whatever it may be. Maybe even one of yourself painting or reading a book if that’s what you like to do and are genuinely into.
Avoid posting pictures of yourself with other women or other guy friends. Yeah it’s nice to show you’re upbeat and like hanging out with people but that should be a given unless you’re so introverted in which case you probably should work on that before trying online dating. The point here is that sometimes they may find the other guys in the picture more attractive than you which is what you DO NOT want. If you are going to do it, at least make sure you stand out and are the core focus of the photo.
The amount of attention I was getting drastically went up after making these changes.
———————-Pro Tip————————- Some women find shirtless pictures a turn off. There is a time and place for it and having it front and center as your first or second picture is a sure fire way to get swiped left on.
I can’t even begin to tell you the number of women I’ve been on dates with who said they appreciated I was one of the few without trying so hard to show off their abs. Keep in mind age groups play a big role in this, I’m 29.
If you want to display your physique or that you workout, have a picture towards the end of you at the beach or some place that requires your shirt to be off in a natural setting. —————————————————————
Like I mentioned a bit earlier some women are harsh when it comes to swiping. Usually they will look at your bio if they need that extra umph to swipe right so make it count!
Your bio should be short, concise and to the point. No one wants to take the time to read through a really messy 500 word essay. Give a brief description of yourself, maybe some accomplishments and lastly what you’re looking for. Your pictures are the meat and potatoes of your profile and should already do a great job of showing your interests and hobbies if done right.
Make sure to stay away from listing turn offs in your bio or things that come off as passive aggressive. For example don’t say something like “don’t swipe right if you’re [Insert something stupid here]” or “I like a woman who can cook” etc. these come off as instant turn offs because you’re already writing the person off before you knew anything about them and potentially missed out on your future wife.
Once you have matches please for the love of all that is holy STOP 🛑 sending pickup lines and referencing things people put into their bios!!! You don’t think women catch on to the same tired pickup lines everyone passes around? Everyone is trying so darn hard to be original that they forget the best way to truly be original is to be themselves.
Don’t be afraid to message with something meaningful like asking what their best quality is or something they’re passionate about. This helps open the door to discuss similar interests and even a possible first date idea.
Women who are showing interest in you will engage and engage in a reasonable amount of time. If she’s leaving you on read or taking 10 hours in between each message you know it’s time to move on. This all comes down to common courtesy which is kinda scarce these days but showing interest is not a sign of weakness. It’s okay to message back right away and let people respond on their own time.
Also...never double message if they aren’t responding to what you wrote earlier.
Despite Tinder having a reputation for being a glorified hookup app these days, people are all swiping for different things including real connections and relationships.
Make sure to put exactly what you’re looking for in your bio because women will respect that more than matching only to find out they just wasted 2 hours talking to someone who just wanted sex right away. Yeah, the ladies want to get laid too but at least be respectful about it and not lead with that.
If you’re swiping in the 18-24 age range, typically you aren’t looking for something serious but make sure to feel that out. Ages 25-35 more than likely they aren’t only there to play games. This isn’t true for everyone but just a general rule of thumb.
———————Pro Tip———————- Women are being bombarded by hundreds of matches and messages on a daily basis. Their job is to sort and sift through the possible options and get rid of the creeps and jerks. The best way to make yourself stand out is giving her a very interesting and engaging message she can’t help but reapond to, something to make her think. Avoid things like “hey” and “what’s up” in favor of something like, “How was your weekend [Her name], I just got done doing [Insert fun hobby”]. A guy who can have a real conversation and be engaging will automatically put you ahead of 80% of the other guys messaging her. ———————————————————-
I’ll never understand why there is such a strong stigma against sending super likes...they work wonders! Some people are so scared to seem desperate that they forget that it’s ACTUALLY OKAY to show that you’re interested. Way too many games are being played these days with dating and if someone doesn’t like that then they probably aren’t the one for you.
If you pay for Tinder Gold you get 5 super likes a day so make use of them. Lately I’ve been out with a few women I’d consider 10s because I sent them a super like. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Now obviously these are just tips based on my own personal experience with Tinder and online dating in general. The truth of the matter is that yes, physical attraction plays a big role in who women swipe on and that’s okay. There are so many things you can do to appear more attractive like working out and putting on some muscle tone, standing up straight in your photos with good posture, smiling, having a good haircut that fits you and not having the only thing in your bio be that you love to smoke weed because trust me...absolutely no one cares lol.
The other important stuff like displaying confidence and personality is always going to be hard over the app which is why getting all the other stuff I mentioned down is so important. Once you land the actual date, then you can do the really easy part and finally let your personality traits have time to shine!
Keep in mind that most of this is specifically related to tinder but some of it can also be applied to other apps like Hinge or Bumble etc. everyone on a dating app is a real person and should be treated as such.
Take this advice and you’ll have a lot better luck in the future.
Results may vary. Good luck!
submitted by itzLCD to dating_advice [link] [comments]

NNN Diary

NNNovember Manifesto Prologue: Muscular forearm. In preparation for the month of defacation I spent hours in the bathroom releasing my seed into the perpetual uterus of the toilet. Hoping that one day in the future I will meet my mutant ninja turtle son. I spent my last night previous to NNN also known as Halloween scaring children and molesting a jellyfish. When I returned to my den it was 11pm and I decided for the ultimate and final release. It felt good, like baby soft skin simmering over an open flame.
Day 1: First Encounter Aka Spooky scary adultery. After a long night of scaring children and stealing candy from babies. I was ready for the month ahead. I spent the morning of November first shadow boxing in front of my mirror nude, scrolling through my Instagram feed, nude, tackling my dogs, nude. Just imagine a 2 incher swinging through the air as a 6 foot 1 inch kid flew and tackled a miniature poodle. After my surprisingly open groin free morning I played video games talking to egirls on league of legends. It was tough trying to contain my excitement but I eventually pulled through from the ethots and continued throughout the day. In the afternoon my parents went out to buy groceries which was tough because one of the most important rules of NNN is to never be home alone. Pornhub announced at 7pm that 20million have already failed.
Day 2: 24 hours of abstinence In day 2 I spent my morning cleaning the house and hiding my none nude but lude Overwatch models. The night before D.va had been looking at me funny as if I should spent extra time in the bathroom with her. I was feeling quite aroused that night but my friend reminded me to stay strong.in the afternoon i spent my time on wallpaper engine looking at mature wallpapers. All I can say is lolis are the best idea Japan has come up with since the bombing of Pearl Harbor. If it wasn’t NNN I would have dropped a bomb bigger than Hiroshima. It was too early to drop out, so I decided to keep my hands out of my pants.
Day 3: smooth skin, Is that my girlfriend? Last night I had a dream of spooning with my imaginary girlfriend. I felt her smooth skin rub against pelvic tissue. The sensation of a million baby feet dancing on my tummy gave me the feeling of utmost peace of mind. The aroma of scented candles filled the room as if a classy gentleman had entered the room. But instead of a gentleman it was a breast during the dream, a soft, squishy, and firm texture. But how would I know about breasts. I’m a virgin... The relaxation was insatiable and almost post nut like but when I checked my underwear I was clean. I spent that whole day experiencing nut withdrawals. I watched explicit content for about 5 hours spending every waking hour with an elongated shlong.
Day 4: yearning for loli On day four or the first Monday of November I went to each class as normal. Everything felt right, no, everything felt great! Until our break. During break I spend a lot of my time talking to the females and socializing, today was no different until something stroked my arm. It would have been a normal interaction of simply playing it off as nothing had happened but today was different. I thought my withdrawals from the high society of the nut were over but instead I spiraled out of control. I noticed it within the 2 seconds in which it made contact. In order to save my dignity I scurried to the restroom. Worst idea... the temptation in the restroom is increased 10 fold. The feeling was as if tentacle hentai and reality combined. When sitting in the stall trying to apply pressure to the abnormality in my pants I felt a moist sensation. At that moment I truly felt as if my NNN run had come to an end. Like a nude loli came out of the void with an ahegao face staring at me with absolute pleasure. It felt like bliss... When reality finally kicked in I checked my pants expecting a massive, humongous, gargantuan puddle dripping down my leg but, I was clean. I exited the restroom and continued my day.
Day 5: revelation Imagine lasting 5 days into NNN. Yeah pretty hard right. You haven’t accepted the fact that you haven’t beaten the living crap out of you metaphorical meat. Maybe some of the previous bruises from the great meat beating are finally healing. Feels great. I can’t believe I’ve lasted. I spent my morning at school trying to isolate myself from all others. As soon as I set foot on campus my scrotum felt like it was going to burst like a volcano with fiery hot liquid spewing out. In class I was feeling sluggish as if something was missing. I was angry. The thought of being unable to satisfy my most primitive and desired need threw me into a deep rage. In order to avoid breaking down I tried to continue to work on math work. But when I accidentally typed boobies into my calculator I was at my limit. It felt like a midget was under the table in the sluttiest clothes rubbing and stroking me off. It was like being tickled by the feather that sat upon the head of yankee doodle.
Day 6: privileged Today I went to my rich friends house. I guess we can say they will have an intense bathroom clean up. I did eat chipotle for lunch.
Day 7: San Clemente fantasy Race day 2k19, the heat was on. After racing a 20:29 3 mile I was exhausted. The thought of pleasure had all but left my mind. All the races had ended for the day and the awards ceremony was about to begin. We sat on the grass which was squishy from the moistness. Hills surrounded us, behind us was the setting sun coloring the sky a light pink and yellow. It was truly golden hour. As the meet director announced the the winners there were 7 San Clemente girls behind us. The sensation of a sweet crisp apple filled my mind as fresh as the sea breeze. There was a playfulness in the air as if the losers and the winners where celebrating as one. But for that night I was truly a winner. The meet director’s microphone broke and he spent time trying to find a replacement. As he did this the tension was rising, the playful giggling increased in volume as the seconds ticked by. I was about to bust. As if a bountiful harvest resulted in festivity. With creamy slime being the main attraction. The bulge in my pants caused me to sit cross legged with my hands covering the extra limb. Sweat began to build up in my palms. Then the sweet contact of their hand stroked my back. A rush filled my body as time flew. I was going to fail. Shifting awkwardly in my seat the giggling increased. They handed my friend a gummy worm who in turn told me to lay down and open my mouth. When I did he dropped the gummy worm in my mouth. In turn I used the power of my inner prostitute to launch the gummy worm out of my throat and 2 feet into the air. It reminded me of my ancestors and of my home. Then the feeling of a thousand warriors filled my body as I turned around and let out the first words. The words didn’t feel like they were coming out. The significant risk of engaging the 7 fair maidens was intense. The thought was as if finding new lands with plentiful natural resources with people that far outnumber that of my own. I was overtaken. Towards the end we exchanged Instagram’s and instantly slid into the dm’s. During the bus ride back to my school we joined a call the girl I was messaging was Natalie. She made the excuse of her phone being at only 2% only for me to respond that she was 98% in my heart. If experiencing pleasure from words was true then this wasn’t ordinary vanilla porn this was an orgy.
Day 8: Sleepover Today the boys slept over. We watched the league of legends world finals. It was sad like not having a girlfriend for 16 years , yet wishing the perfect one was out there even though there isn’t anyone that will fit your retarded ass criteria. Today I got desperate, so desperate that when I saw my friends ass I got a little stubby.
Day 9: Sleepover concluding day Today our friend spent 1 hour in the bathroom. He didn’t know his phone was hooked up to the Bluetooth speaker. We spent a good amount of time listening to what sounded like a middle aged woman foreplay as a 5 year old girls that hit puberty at 2. We confronted him about it later in the day. Today we have confirmed a fallen brother in combat. It is truly a sad day.
Day 10: Push-ups Have you ever done pushups while not wearing anything but a throw towel over your shoulder? Well I’ll just tell you it is quite nice. When you go down you penis hits the floor then bounces as you lift back up. It feels like a mini game. Like you perfected a double bounce on the trampoline except you did 5 sets of 20 double bounces.
Day 11: yogurt Today I had a nice classy yogurt. This was no ordinary yogurt, it was the special kind that you pour over a certain topping. This topping happened to be a nice blueberry jam. While to a normal person this would be absolutely delightful, but I’m no ordinary person. Pouring the yogurt over the blueberry jam was as if releasing the fine cream that lays dormant in the genitalia of the male. The blueberry jam being the excrement in the toilet bowl of the yogurt cup. It was true dejavu.
Day 12: pizza Today someone tried to shove pizza up my ass. They succeeded and now I shit Italian.
Day 13: cool dudes do beastiality Today I caught my dogs making sticky in their cage. Mom and dad said they were just wrestling.
Day 14: Anus The average human anus can stretch 9-12 centimeters. I’m no normal human so I’m going to go for 13.
Day 15: Hinder thy tinder Just created a tinder account. I’ve spent the last 2 hours messaging people and telling them that if we were to date I’d be that guy that whispers seductively in their ear whenever each chore is finished. Picture this, (whispers in ear) laundry is done, (whispers I ear) dishes alllllll cleannn.
Day 16: Gay? I swear the government is trying to make everyone gay. Today I saw a rainbow. I wonder why the government is wasting tax payer dollars to make people gay. I think it is a violation of the constitution and should be reviewed in court.
Day 17: this is a cool pickup line If your left leg is thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas can I visit you between the holidays? This has a 100% success rate.
Day 18: rubby all over the tummy I never knew how good it felt to rub your tum tum. Just aggressively rub your tummy whenever you are bored and it takes away all thoughts of the nutty nutty. But be careful, if you put your finger too deep into your belly tum hole you will get a little surge that might take you out of no nutty November.
Day 19: Entrails Holy fuck. I don’t care what anyone says, all I know is female entrails are fucking hot. Imagine a lasso being perfectly tossed around a burro except the lasso symbolizes the entrails of a female and I am the burro. Love it...
Day 20: tournament Where the fuck are all the god damn e-girls. I do not host Nintendo smash tournaments for no god damn reason. The name has a double meaning. One, smash and demolish you opponents two, it means I’m not going to be a fucking virgin. But when no e-girls show up to this shit it is a real kick in the balls. It’s like the pain of being born combined with Japanese cock and ball torture. Like a little boy that was born 2 days ago and has his balls drop extremely early just to have a Japanese wench yank on them with a rope. Imagine the excess skin that baby would have when it grew up. Holy shit I thought I had saggy balls.
Day 21: date 1 pm I’m gonna get laid 7 pm I’m now lonely and will be alone forever
Day 22: Roadblock The road of semen has officially been sealed. Today I got so insanely lustful that I had to tape my genitalia closed. The tape tickled the top every so often sending a sensitive rush through my body. I was so close to doing it that I could imagine a transgender stripper giving me a lap dance and speaking to me in an extremely manly voice as his tits waved in front of my face. The only thing that was off was the fact that his balls kept hitting my balls which almost felt like a punch making me crumple over. When I snapped out of the mirage I was on the floor gasping. My hand behind my back like an upside down whale and my penis in the air twitching and begging to be stroked, it was intense.
Day 23: Toe masturbation Ok the common person might find this weird but I found another way to deal with the lack of fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel. This is simply known as toe masturbation. It feels good and you don’t nut. Step one depending on the person you might want to find either a rigid surface like a wall corner or a nice blanket. Once you have that then rub the side of your big toe against it. For the wall or rigid object you will want to get a wind up and kick the shit out of the object. For the soft blanket you will want to rub it so hard that you get rug burns. The reason for this is that toe masturbation is for weird masochists that really need to end themselves. The pain they feel know will be amplified a million times in hell.
Day 24:Woman are evil All women are evil. Consider this scenario, in a lesbian relationship, who is more likely to cheat? Yeah that’s right, the woman.
Day 25: Hulk Today I spent too much time in the sun. The gamma rays had been focused on my special square and know I believe it’s green. I guess now I have a hulking putenshlasa.
Day 26: Hypothesis Today I believe I have concocted the perfect way to court a female specimen. The hypothesis goes like this, In nature usually two males exchange and compete in serious competitions to court a female. You being a female would it be possible for me to win your praise if I were to challenge and win a fight against a male?
Day 27: Water fight This morning my neighbor challenged me to a water gun fight. Like dude it’s the middle of winter and it’s 40 degrees outside. Guess I’ll do it. I just decided to write this entry as I wait for the water to boil.
Day 28: Venezuelan economy The only thing more fucked than my sister in my uncle’s basement is when my sister is in my uncle’s basement with 2 of my uncles, my dad, my priest and my 2 miniature poodles. Those fucking poodles get the shit beaten out of them so often that they need to blow off some steam on a cum filled corpse. They probably just piss on the body to claim it as theirs. There is only one thing more fucked than that. The Venezuelan economy, they got a black market. Like dude I’d love to go to a market where everything is black, that would be sick. The only problem is that it isn’t the fastest way to deliver slaves because that would be blackmail. The thing is slaves jokes aren’t very funny, I’d give each one about a 3/5. Let’s be honest here the only way I am allowed to buy slaves is with my MasterCard and the black market doesn’t usually accept it so blackmail it is. My question is if 5 slaves where to have an orgy would it be considered a 3 way?
Day 29: Truck I wonder if I get hit by a truck will I be transported to another world where I would be overpowered and have a harem? That would be nice but unlikely. My reason being is that there is always at least one loli in a harem and knowing my luck that isn’t possible.
Day 30: Quince I swear Mexicans are dirty as fuck. Not dirty in the physical way I mean mentally. Now that I realize it’s both physically and mentally. My reason being they are gardeners for physical so they get literally dirty. For mentally they have this special drink call horchata first of all this drink has to do with hors and second of all it is as white as cum. If I wasn’t a professional I would have actually thought it was cum because it actually tastes like it. This white liquid is the liquid they serve from the youngest child to the most senior in the room. If there were to be an orgy horchata will definitely be there. Btw doesn’t horchata kinda sound like a stripper name. Like some stripper is giving you a lap dance and you can’t help but moaning her name like “ohh horchata, just like that”
submitted by East-Maintenance-142 to copypasta [link] [comments]

An ugly moment [50,000 Contest]

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the statement means that its the person describing what's beautiful that decides what's beautiful. Some would call the invention of the automobile beautiful when in reality it poisoned the planet, some would call the idea of space travel beautiful even though it comes with a thousand different ways to fail. In my opinion, beauty, no matter who you are, can best be seen in your final moments, and that one day Id only let myself die if it was a truly beautiful moment.
Some would call the Tao relationship I had with the beast beautiful, they would see how each and every day the presence of the loathsome beast drove me to cosmic level of organization and precision. That beauty they saw in my learned expertise was entirely one sided, when the stench filled the air and the part of my day that called for a bare knuckle brawl came about, I never once felt beautiful. I felt sick to my stomach as it hunted me down time and time again, sometimes I won, but most of the times the damage that was done could be considered a loss. I had scars from head to toe, a streak on the back of my neck, puncture wounds all over my torso, scar tissue plaguing my legs and stifling my movements and headaches from the pain of it all.
The first attack came when I was young, it was part of a lesson, when I was a boy my mind was clouded with delusions of grandeur, I wanted a world full of riches and power. I thought I was smarter than the woodland environment that I had been born into, I thought my future had more than axes and chores, more than survival, and I acted like it. So one day while im buying candy at a corner store with my dad, an old hag bumps into me and knocks me over, she apologized, but that wasn't enough for a young me. As I sat on the ground, fighting tears as all children do, I called her a flurry of names, old hag, rotten witch, disgusting old woman, and then told her she should watch where she was going. My dad pulled me to my feet and backhanded me, he apologized to the woman, then made me apologize, but she must have held a grudge.
That night our quaint little home in the middle of the woods was turned into a blood bath, my mother was in the living room reading when they broke in the door, she took one out before the other two tore her up. My sister was next, I don't even think she was able to wound the beasts before they approached me and my father, Him and I had entered the hallway when we heard the commotion. When the beasts walked out of my sisters room with blood on their teeth, that was all it took, my father charged them, the first beast lasted mere seconds, not even trading blows with my raging bull of a father.
He picked up his tinder hatchet that he kept on a rack in the hallway and began thrashing with the two beasts, swinging with all of his might at the broad yet swift creatures. In that moment he was the most powerful thing in the room, I could feel the fire inside him as I watched him fight for what seemed like an hour. Blocking bites with the hammer side of his hatchet and swiping with the axe blade, over and over as the beasts traded and switched spots, he wouldn't let them near me. One of the beasts eventually broke his hatchet, biting through the base of the handle, my dad was read though, he put his hands right in the beasts mouth with the edge of the axe handle, chipping its sharp teeth and forcing its mouth open.
Moments after severing the lower jaw of the beast he had charged, he began pounding at the other one, as my dad gripped its head by the hair and pushed it to the floor he called out to me run boy, go as he struggled to keep the beasts head to the ground. He forced its head back to the ground as it tried to snap back up with one hand, and with the other he launched me out the front door. I ran, hard, stopping only for a moment to grab the wood axe we kept by the back Shed, I heard screams and howls behind me, glass shattering and by the time the sounds stopped, I looked back to see the house engulfed in flames. I stared and watched as the house burnt to ash, a minute into the burn the last beast, clearly wounded, jumped out from the flames and ran off, I did the same, in the opposite direction.
14 years I've spent running just as hard, the beast stays on my trail, catching up every 3 hours like clockwork. I've lived in apartments, mansions, bunkers, hotels, cars and even slept in an isolation tank for a few days, no matter what, the beast comes. I have ran through 30 states, the only mild safe haven I ever experienced was when I made a friend in Montana, a hunter who spent a night with me in the decrepit old woods, she was an expert with her bow but it couldn't save her. The beast came for us, and took her out first, it sunk its teeth into my leg so I wounded it like my dad, by plunging my axe into its chest cavity, but that wasn't nearly enough to stop it. I ran again, this time with the aid of a pickup truck, crossing 17 county and 2 state lines in hope of escaping.
I made it to a hospital, and I had a dream, I was back at home with my dad, hanging out, cutting wood, my sister was building a snowman with my mom, it was a perfect day. My dad stacked logs in my arms and had me taxi them over to the wood stack we had stuck to the side of the house, id stack them and come back for more. He would let me chop one log every twenty or so he chopped, he didn't like me handling the axe so often cause he thought Id get hurt. As the day crept on and the sun receded the darkness came up quick, eyes poked out from the shadows but my family kept to their activities even in the pitch black. My sight receded and I tried to feel for my dad but I didn't even hear him chopping, the area was empty, just me , the darkness, the eyes and some snowflakes, they attacked me and I woke up in an operation bed.
I called for the doctor and he gave me the rundown, funny enough I was only 3 miles from the ashes of my old home. So after a night of sweet painkillers, some wicked new stitches, and a super weird PT session that I didn't ask for, they discharged me, and I headed for my ceremonial home. I thought about what id do when I got to my house and as I passed a small corner store an idea came to mind, I hit the brakes and backed the truck up, parking in front. I went inside and found a bouquet of flowers, I grabbed a bag of Reeses cups for my mother, a taffy taffy for my little sister and a Charleston chew for my father. I picked up a few other choice items to rehydrate and replenish and then I bought some paint and a small brush for gravestones, they deserved a proper burial after all this time.
I got in my truck and felt a presence almost immediately, like someone was watching me, someone powerful, I scanned the horizon but the only thing out of place was a downed tree. I assumed the beast was just closing in, so I nodded to the area and drove off, all the way to the house that same feeling stuck with me, it was almost warm. As I arrived at the house the feeling grew stronger and it was as if I was being hugged by an entire army all at once, I wasn't burnt, it wasn't painful, I wasn't even sweating. I stepped out of the truck with my offerings and approached my forsaken home, it was heartbreaking to see and as I got closer, I realized that I wasn't the first person to come here in 14 years.
Right in the center of my front yard was 2 piles of rocks, each adorned with a larger stone on top, with paint on them, faded a bit but not unreadable "November 12th 2006 Daugher, sister, mother" "November 12th 2006 Daughter, sister, friend" for my sister and my mother, but where was my fathers? I put the offerings down in front of the stones, laying the candy carefully on the ground and propping them up against the rock. I unpacked the flowers and spread them in a wide pattern with all the stems touching, once I was finished I knelt down and prayed that they would have had safe passage to heaven.
The warmth grew as I prayed and before long I felt the presence of the beast alongside it, I carefully and calmly stood up and approached my truck, I pulled the cab open and retrieved my axe entirely without opening my eyes, and then I heard a yelp. I opened my eyes and ran towards the house, as I came around the truck I couldn't believe my eyes, there was my dad, his right arm wrapped around the beasts neck. He was massive, and his right arm seemed to be the only one he had left, his hair was long and gray, accompanied by a beard, he wore a deep black coat with teeth jutting out from the shoulder, clearly made from the beasts he killed. The beast yelped louder as he pulled his hand up from the ground, practically palming the beast like a ball as he drove it into a nearby tree trunk, raining down splinters and causing the tree to fall to the ground as the beast rolled away.
I ran forward and wrapped my arms around him dad you're alive he looked down at my face and inspected me for a moment Stewart!?! he yelled my name and grabbed me like the wolf, but a lot warmer. I thought I saw you down at the store but I didn't think you'd be able to drive with how blind you were as a kid. he laughed and hugged me tight its good to see you dad but insulting my sight right off the bat? low blow old man he chuckled and smacked my back speaking through constant laughter not so low, look how tall you are he pinched my bicep pretty solid too, taking after your old man here. I looked him up and down again you're one to talk, you look like Hercules tore his own arm off and hit up a pharmacy. his reassuring chuckle filled the air for a 3rd time since id seen him this is au natural boy, its the kind of gains you get from facing these beasts. I nodded and felt the tears fill up my eyes im so sorry I did this to us dad, im sorry I never came back. he nodded and put his hand on my shoulder im sorry I didn't come lookin, but every time I ventured out, one of these pitch black punks would show up and pick a fight, im sorry I wasn't on my guard that night, or wed still have your mother and sister. we sat there for a moment solemnly before I remembered my offering hey I brought you your favorite I handed him the candy as his face lit up hahaha that's my boy, lets split it after were done here. I nodded before contorting my face in confusion isn't that the last beast? that things been chasing me for 14 years dad.
His face matched my own I killed that 3rd beast that night of the fire, they've kept coming, how many times have you seen the thing? I scanned the horizon as dread filled my body dad ive seen it at least 50,000 times he looked to the ground in solitude so we have a busy night ahead of us. he began walking towards the shed dad ive never killed one of these things, they always come back no matter how hard I hit them. I raised my axe to show him the handle caked with blood and scratches, the blade chipped from years of use I can't kill more than one at most dad. He stopped walking towards the shed and turned around, kneeling before me and putting his hand on my shoulder once more. listen closely, no matter what you've done to them before this, nothing compares to the fight you're about to see, I know you don't think you've got what it takes, but you're MY son. He put his hand on my back and ushered me towards the shed, as we approached howls filled the air, he opened the door and showed me the inside of the shed, now devoid of tools. It was filled, wall to wall, floor to ceiling, with pelts of the dark black beasts that laid outside.
He reached his arm around the inside and brought out a large wood splitting maul think about it this way, you've seen a over 50,000, you've wounded many of them, maybe they died and you just didn't see it. he propped his maul up on the side of the shed and grabbed a pelt that had a whole cut in the top like a poncho and draped it over me. I stood tall with the skin of my fathers kill protecting me, and I approached the woods alongside him.
its been a long time, and I can't wait to catch up with you he held his maul high above his head as the beasts began to charge, tears filled my eyes and a smile crawled its way up my face as they closed in on us. my dad spoke up as he began to bring his maul down to earth this is a beautiful moment boy he looked at me with pride in his eyes but it won't be our last. As me and my dad began swinging, cutting down beast after beast, I remembered where beauty came from, and I remembered how I always thought it might feel to have my final moment. And as the beasts poured from the woods, and me and my father fought on, I thought to myself...what an ugly moment.
submitted by Fizzleboiii to Wholesomenosleep [link] [comments]

My birthday was the loneliest it’s ever been

My birthday was last week.
I woke up that morning, and song myself happy birthday.
I took a shower and ordered me some BBQ. ( back at home we always had a cookout for my birthday)
I picked up my food, with curbside pickup, and drove home and sat on my bed and ate my BBQ.
I did get plenty of Facebook happy birthday wishes, which put a little smile on my face for a moment.
But all in all, I just laid back in bed and watched a few movies.
As a backstory, I moved away from home earlier this year after graduation. I’m currently a healthcare worker. The thing is I didn’t really get a chance to make friends prior to the pandemic. So I’m just kind of stuck in the foreign city by myself with no life lines.
I’m trying my best though. My best to be the best for my patients. But it’s kind of hard.
Before this I was volunteering at a couple local animal shelters walking dogs, but since the pandemic started that hasn’t been an option.
I had thoughts about tinder, maybe dating would help. Not sure how that would work though. Do you FaceTime? Do you go walking in the park wearing N95s? Lol.
Truth is, I think I’m finally in that point in my life where I am ready for a relationship, but that’s not really what I’m looking for. I truly just want people to talk to. People that can take my mind off work. People I could laugh with and just make my everyday fear of contracting covid-19 at work or not being able to save every patient a have a lil less overbearing.
I don’t think I’ve ever said this about myself until today. But I truly am lonely.
submitted by SunkistSkies to lonely [link] [comments]

What do I (F22) do about these intense feelings about my boyfriend (M22)

Hi! obligatory long time lurker, first-time poster. I want to start off by saying this is in no way shape or form a bad thing. The intense feeling I have is really, really good. This is gonna be a long'un, but I hope a happy advice post will cheer some people up! and honestly I need help because I might explode, lol.
So just to give some backstory, I met my boyfriend (We'll call him Z here) on Tinder in July of 2017. I was at my best friend's house (I met her in college and she quickly became my best friend. she lived an hour and a half away from me, so I'd visit her all the time), swiping on Tinder in her hammock and I came across his profile. We spoke all day, doing little bits and weird pickup lines while my friend and I frolicked at the beach. It was an amazing day. We talked to each other every day, and we found out a lot of things about each other. I was going to college in New Jersey, where we were both from, and Z was in college in Texas. We were hesitant to fall for each other because of the distance, but... we weren't too great at resisting, obviously lmao. I remember the day we admitted that we both liked each other, and even now it's giving me butterflies (I was in the group chat with the girls F R E A K I N G out lol). We still were hesitant to make things official, although we had been exclusive (was not agreed to between us, but somehow we both decided that we would delete our dating apps and stop seeing other people soon after we met).
One day Z told me that he had Asperger's. He admitted one of the reasons he was hesitant to date me was because he was afraid I would misunderstand what it would be like to love him. That night, I did so much reading on Asperger's, relationships, triggers, etc. I would text him intermittently, asking about his experience to compare it to what I was reading. I kept a little notebook of things I found. I bookmarked pages about it all. I wasn't going to let not knowing stop me from dating Z. We made things official on April 20th of 2018, which was also an amazing day. School ended for the summer soon after that, and we spent the whole summer together. We went back to school in August, I graduated in May of 2019, and in June, packed myself up and moved to Texas to live with him while he finished his last year of school.
The last 11 months have been hard, I won't lie. I was in a job where I was overworked (late nights every day of every week, had to give up a lot of weekends, ungrateful clients and managers, etc.) and severely underpaid. Making friends was, and still is, proving to be very difficult. our apartment building had (has) a roach problem that the landlords weren't (and still aren't) taking care of. A few of my friends from NJ commit suicide in the same week, within days of each other, and I couldn't go to their funerals. I got laid off from that shit job due to the pandemic and didn't know whether to jump for joy, cry my eyes out, or rage (spoiler alert: it was all three). Throughout all of this, Z was always there. He'd hold me tight when I cried, he'd be at the door with a hug, kiss, and glass of wine on particularly rough days at work. Our relationship was always strong. We’ve had our misunderstandings, but no blowout arguments. I loved coming home to him. He has been my rock through so much. Because of him, there has been a lot of good stuff for me in Texas too.
We slow dance in the kitchen when we cook together.
We've been able to talk and bond so much more since the start of the quarantine.
We got a cat in January and we love her like she's our daughter.
Y'all, I've honestly never had a relationship this good. I've had a few relationships - some short, some long, and I've had my fair share of "Wow, this person is awesome", but today, every time I look at my boyfriend and my first thought is "I want to love you for the rest of my life". I've never had that with anyone else, and it's both inherently amazing/beautiful/awesome, and also kinda scary, in a way. That's obviously a very intense feeling to have about someone, but I honestly would love to marry him one day. That revelation has my mind and body doing some shit - it feels almost like a panic attack but in the best way possible? Heart racing, butterflies in the stomach, etc etc. Although I know this is a for a good reason, the feeling is super intense and a lil confusing lol, which brings me to my questions.
A) What do I do with these intense feelings/What do I do with this revelation?
B) this one might be dumb, but is 22 too young to know who you want to spend the rest of your life with? Is there a right time?
C) not a question, but feel free to post your love/marriage stories!
I know this isn't what usually gets posted here, but I do need help because like I said above, I feel like I'm gonna explode lol. Many thanks in advance for the advice.
Thanks for the long read, but for my skimmers:
tl;dr: I looked at my boyfriend of two years today and realized I want to marry him, and can't stop thinking about it, which is lovely and scary all at the same time. Wondering what to do with this revelation now that I have it, and whether there's a right time for this stuff. Also open to hearing other love stories!
submitted by jamaicanmeasia to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

Another Virgin Dude asking questions

Hi, I'm a 25 year old virgin. In fact, haven't even kissed a woman. Not an incel, or even that socially awkward. I have a good deal of friends (including those of the opposite sex, so I can talk to women just fine), and would say generally, I am a happy person.

However, though unlike most of the other people I see posting about this, it isn't an all-consuming issue for me, I still want to be with someone other than ol' lefty, no matter how reliable they have been.

In the past, I have been in situations where I feel a woman is interested in me/wants me to make a move. I do have some self confidence issues, and in the moment kinda refuse to believe it (also I really don't want to accidentally do minor sexual assault by touching/kissing a woman without her consent). As I said, I do have friends who are women, and generally, if I am interested in a woman, and the feeling is not reciprocated, I would still like to be friends. I think this might be helped if I managed to convince myself that it is a possibility that someone could feel that way about me, and thus I would like to lose my virginity.

Yes, I did just go on for a paragraph about why I wish to lose my virginity, which may partially explain why I am asking this question. I have basically, to this point, put no effort into dating. Not due to lack of interest on my part, but lack of ability, due to personal stuff that I can explain if for some reason anyone is interested (It's not anything interesting). Due to this I have no idea how to go from making friends with someone to dating someone. I once hung out with a woman 2-3 times a week, she would frequently invite me to her place, often at night (where I just talked to her on her couch), talked to her family about me (To the point that apparently her dad still asks after me, a year after I moved out of state), and basically did everything to show me she was interested. I just didn't know what to do. She was, herself, very awkward and shy, so I think she might have been in the same boat as me, both desperately hoping the other would make a move, but neither being willing to.

I have considered installing tinder, or going to bars alone (? another problem, I wouldn't really know what to do once there. On TV it mostly seems like I am supposed to annoy the fuck out of every woman in a 6 mile radius, but I don't want to do that.), but it kinda feels like for these, you are expected to already be sexually active. I was wondering if there is some way to directly connect with people who would be interested in taking a mans virginity. If not, is there a recommended way to... go about it?

All the advice online is from douchebag pickup artists, and if becoming an asshole is what is necessary to do this, I'll just invest in some VR and a better sex toy. Please don't answer if you are just going to tell me to lie to women/spend 500 hours a week hitting clubs and practicing pick up lines. I want to get laid to someday have a relationship, not the other way around. Frankly I would be willing to just wait if I knew for sure I would find a woman willing to date me seriously despite all this in the next 5 years.

Hey! I wrote a whole essay. Sorry to put you all through that. Kinda hard to not word vomit a bit when you have been bottling up your sexuality for more than a decade, and finally decide the best way to fix it is to post to fucking Reddit.

TL;DR: is there some way to easily find women who are interested in taking a mans virginity?
submitted by MFCJ775DW to sex [link] [comments]

24[M4F] NY Introverted cynical sarcastic guy seeks equally cynical sarcastic girl (Pictures inside, because my awesome personality will only get me so far) CLICK FOR MAGIC FINGER LIGHT WIZARD PICTURES! ALSO BONUS DOG PICS INSIDE QUICK! CLICK HERE!

Hi there, my name is Peter and I’m 24(25 June 2nd! WOOooOOoOO oh boy..HALFWAY TO 50!!) from Long Island NY. Welcome to my reddit resume..prepare to be blown away by this amazing formatting and extreme use of bullet points. I wrote this how I’d prefer to see posts on here..in bullet points...because I love bullet points!(also my attention span is well..not the greatest..BUT BULLET POINTS HELP WITH THAT!) So if you got this far already you might as well suffer a bit more and read the rest ¯(ツ)/¯
TL;DR - Read my post you lazy fuckers!! Just kidding..no I’m not..HEY YOU! YEAH YOU!! I SEE YOU READING THIS STILL!! NOW GET ON UP THERE TO THE TOP AND START READING!! I’m eagerly awaiting that sweet sweet orange envelope.. It’s so close I can almost taste it..
submitted by alacabar to r4r [link] [comments]

Here is my NNN diary. Please excuse the grammar and have a good read. :)

NNNovember Manifesto Prologue: Muscular forearm. In preparation for the month of defacation I spent hours in the bathroom releasing my seed into the perpetual uterus of the toilet. Hoping that one day in the future I will meet my mutant ninja turtle son. I spent my last night previous to NNN also known as Halloween scaring children and molesting a jellyfish. When I returned to my den it was 11pm and I decided for the ultimate and final release. It felt good, like baby soft skin simmering over an open flame.
Day 1: First Encounter Aka Spooky scary adultery. After a long night of scaring children and stealing candy from babies. I was ready for the month ahead. I spent the morning of November first shadow boxing in front of my mirror nude, scrolling through my Instagram feed, nude, tackling my dogs, nude. Just imagine a 2 incher swinging through the air as a 6 foot 1 inch kid flew and tackled a miniature poodle. After my surprisingly open groin free morning I played video games talking to egirls on league of legends. It was tough trying to contain my excitement but I eventually pulled through from the ethots and continued throughout the day. In the afternoon my parents went out to buy groceries which was tough because one of the most important rules of NNN is to never be home alone. Pornhub announced at 7pm that 20million have already failed.
Day 2: 24 hours of abstinence In day 2 I spent my morning cleaning the house and hiding my none nude but lude Overwatch models. The night before D.va had been looking at me funny as if I should spent extra time in the bathroom with her. I was feeling quite aroused that night but my friend reminded me to stay strong.in the afternoon i spent my time on wallpaper engine looking at mature wallpapers. All I can say is lolis are the best idea Japan has come up with since the bombing of Pearl Harbor. If it wasn’t NNN I would have dropped a bomb bigger than Hiroshima. It was too early to drop out, so I decided to keep my hands out of my pants.
Day 3: smooth skin, Is that my girlfriend? Last night I had a dream of spooning with my imaginary girlfriend. I felt her smooth skin rub against pelvic tissue. The sensation of a million baby feet dancing on my tummy gave me the feeling of utmost peace of mind. The aroma of scented candles filled the room as if a classy gentleman had entered the room. But instead of a gentleman it was a breast during the dream, a soft, squishy, and firm texture. But how would I know about breasts. I’m a virgin... The relaxation was insatiable and almost post nut like but when I checked my underwear I was clean. I spent that whole day experiencing nut withdrawals. I watched explicit content for about 5 hours spending every waking hour with an elongated shlong.
Day 4: yearning for loli On day four or the first Monday of November I went to each class as normal. Everything felt right, no, everything felt great! Until our break. During break I spend a lot of my time talking to the females and socializing, today was no different until something stroked my arm. It would have been a normal interaction of simply playing it off as nothing had happened but today was different. I thought my withdrawals from the high society of the nut were over but instead I spiraled out of control. I noticed it within the 2 seconds in which it made contact. In order to save my dignity I scurried to the restroom. Worst idea... the temptation in the restroom is increased 10 fold. The feeling was as if tentacle hentai and reality combined. When sitting in the stall trying to apply pressure to the abnormality in my pants I felt a moist sensation. At that moment I truly felt as if my NNN run had come to an end. Like a nude loli came out of the void with an ahegao face staring at me with absolute pleasure. It felt like bliss... When reality finally kicked in I checked my pants expecting a massive, humongous, gargantuan puddle dripping down my leg but, I was clean. I exited the restroom and continued my day.
Day 5: revelation Imagine lasting 5 days into NNN. Yeah pretty hard right. You haven’t accepted the fact that you haven’t beaten the living crap out of you metaphorical meat. Maybe some of the previous bruises from the great meat beating are finally healing. Feels great. I can’t believe I’ve lasted. I spent my morning at school trying to isolate myself from all others. As soon as I set foot on campus my scrotum felt like it was going to burst like a volcano with fiery hot liquid spewing out. In class I was feeling sluggish as if something was missing. I was angry. The thought of being unable to satisfy my most primitive and desired need threw me into a deep rage. In order to avoid breaking down I tried to continue to work on math work. But when I accidentally typed boobies into my calculator I was at my limit. It felt like a midget was under the table in the sluttiest clothes rubbing and stroking me off. It was like being tickled by the feather that sat upon the head of yankee doodle.
Day 6: privileged Today I went to my rich friends house. I guess we can say they will have an intense bathroom clean up. I did eat chipotle for lunch.
Day 7: San Clemente fantasy Race day 2k19, the heat was on. After racing a 20:29 3 mile I was exhausted. The thought of pleasure had all but left my mind. All the races had ended for the day and the awards ceremony was about to begin. We sat on the grass which was squishy from the moistness. Hills surrounded us, behind us was the setting sun coloring the sky a light pink and yellow. It was truly golden hour. As the meet director announced the the winners there were 7 San Clemente girls behind us. The sensation of a sweet crisp apple filled my mind as fresh as the sea breeze. There was a playfulness in the air as if the losers and the winners where celebrating as one. But for that night I was truly a winner. The meet director’s microphone broke and he spent time trying to find a replacement. As he did this the tension was rising, the playful giggling increased in volume as the seconds ticked by. I was about to bust. As if a bountiful harvest resulted in festivity. With creamy slime being the main attraction. The bulge in my pants caused me to sit cross legged with my hands covering the extra limb. Sweat began to build up in my palms. Then the sweet contact of their hand stroked my back. A rush filled my body as time flew. I was going to fail. Shifting awkwardly in my seat the giggling increased. They handed my friend a gummy worm who in turn told me to lay down and open my mouth. When I did he dropped the gummy worm in my mouth. In turn I used the power of my inner prostitute to launch the gummy worm out of my throat and 2 feet into the air. It reminded me of my ancestors and of my home. Then the feeling of a thousand warriors filled my body as I turned around and let out the first words. The words didn’t feel like they were coming out. The significant risk of engaging the 7 fair maidens was intense. The thought was as if finding new lands with plentiful natural resources with people that far outnumber that of my own. I was overtaken. Towards the end we exchanged Instagram’s and instantly slid into the dm’s. During the bus ride back to my school we joined a call the girl I was messaging was Natalie. She made the excuse of her phone being at only 2% only for me to respond that she was 98% in my heart. If experiencing pleasure from words was true then this wasn’t ordinary vanilla porn this was an orgy.
Day 8: Sleepover Today the boys slept over. We watched the league of legends world finals. It was sad like not having a girlfriend for 16 years , yet wishing the perfect one was out there even though there isn’t anyone that will fit your retarded ass criteria. Today I got desperate, so desperate that when I saw my friends ass I got a little stubby.
Day 9: Sleepover concluding day Today our friend spent 1 hour in the bathroom. He didn’t know his phone was hooked up to the Bluetooth speaker. We spent a good amount of time listening to what sounded like a middle aged woman foreplay as a 5 year old girls that hit puberty at 2. We confronted him about it later in the day. Today we have confirmed a fallen brother in combat. It is truly a sad day.
Day 10: Push-ups Have you ever done pushups while not wearing anything but a throw towel over your shoulder? Well I’ll just tell you it is quite nice. When you go down you penis hits the floor then bounces as you lift back up. It feels like a mini game. Like you perfected a double bounce on the trampoline except you did 5 sets of 20 double bounces.
Day 11: yogurt Today I had a nice classy yogurt. This was no ordinary yogurt, it was the special kind that you pour over a certain topping. This topping happened to be a nice blueberry jam. While to a normal person this would be absolutely delightful, but I’m no ordinary person. Pouring the yogurt over the blueberry jam was as if releasing the fine cream that lays dormant in the genitalia of the male. The blueberry jam being the excrement in the toilet bowl of the yogurt cup. It was true dejavu.
Day 12: pizza Today someone tried to shove pizza up my ass. They succeeded and now I shit Italian.
Day 13: cool dudes do beastiality Today I caught my dogs making sticky in their cage. Mom and dad said they were just wrestling.
Day 14: Anus The average human anus can stretch 9-12 centimeters. I’m no normal human so I’m going to go for 13.
Day 15: Hinder thy tinder Just created a tinder account. I’ve spent the last 2 hours messaging people and telling them that if we were to date I’d be that guy that whispers seductively in their ear whenever each chore is finished. Picture this, (whispers in ear) laundry is done, (whispers I ear) dishes alllllll cleannn.
Day 16: Gay? I swear the government is trying to make everyone gay. Today I saw a rainbow. I wonder why the government is wasting tax payer dollars to make people gay. I think it is a violation of the constitution and should be reviewed in court.
Day 17: this is a cool pickup line If your left leg is thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas can I visit you between the holidays? This has a 100% success rate.
Day 18: rubby all over the tummy I never knew how good it felt to rub your tum tum. Just aggressively rub your tummy whenever you are bored and it takes away all thoughts of the nutty nutty. But be careful, if you put your finger too deep into your belly tum hole you will get a little surge that might take you out of no nutty November.
Day 19: Entrails Holy fuck. I don’t care what anyone says, all I know is female entrails are fucking hot. Imagine a lasso being perfectly tossed around a burro except the lasso symbolizes the entrails of a female and I am the burro. Love it...
Day 20: tournament Where the fuck are all the god damn e-girls. I do not host Nintendo smash tournaments for no god damn reason. The name has a double meaning. One, smash and demolish you opponents two, it means I’m not going to be a fucking virgin. But when no e-girls show up to this shit it is a real kick in the balls. It’s like the pain of being born combined with Japanese cock and ball torture. Like a little boy that was born 2 days ago and has his balls drop extremely early just to have a Japanese wench yank on them with a rope. Imagine the excess skin that baby would have when it grew up. Holy shit I thought I had saggy balls.
Day 21: date 1 pm I’m gonna get laid 7 pm I’m now lonely and will be alone forever
Day 22: Roadblock The road of semen has officially been sealed. Today I got so insanely lustful that I had to tape my genitalia closed. The tape tickled the top every so often sending a sensitive rush through my body. I was so close to doing it that I could imagine a transgender stripper giving me a lap dance and speaking to me in an extremely manly voice as his tits waved in front of my face. The only thing that was off was the fact that his balls kept hitting my balls which almost felt like a punch making me crumple over. When I snapped out of the mirage I was on the floor gasping. My hand behind my back like an upside down whale and my penis in the air twitching and begging to be stroked, it was intense.
Day 23: Toe masturbation Ok the common person might find this weird but I found another way to deal with the lack of fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel. This is simply known as toe masturbation. It feels good and you don’t nut. Step one depending on the person you might want to find either a rigid surface like a wall corner or a nice blanket. Once you have that then rub the side of your big toe against it. For the wall or rigid object you will want to get a wind up and kick the shit out of the object. For the soft blanket you will want to rub it so hard that you get rug burns. The reason for this is that toe masturbation is for weird masochists that really need to end themselves. The pain they feel know will be amplified a million times in hell.
Day 24:Woman are evil All women are evil. Consider this scenario, in a lesbian relationship, who is more likely to cheat? Yeah that’s right, the woman.
Day 25: Hulk Today I spent too much time in the sun. The gamma rays had been focused on my special square and know I believe it’s green. I guess now I have a hulking putenshlasa.
Day 26: Hypothesis Today I believe I have concocted the perfect way to court a female specimen. The hypothesis goes like this, In nature usually two males exchange and compete in serious competitions to court a female. You being a female would it be possible for me to win your praise if I were to challenge and win a fight against a male?
Day 27: Water fight This morning my neighbor challenged me to a water gun fight. Like dude it’s the middle of winter and it’s 40 degrees outside. Guess I’ll do it. I just decided to write this entry as I wait for the water to boil.
Day 28: Venezuelan economy The only thing more fucked than my sister in my uncle’s basement is when my sister is in my uncle’s basement with 2 of my uncles, my dad, my priest and my 2 miniature poodles. Those fucking poodles get the shit beaten out of them so often that they need to blow off some steam on a cum filled corpse. They probably just piss on the body to claim it as theirs. There is only one thing more fucked than that. The Venezuelan economy, they got a black market. Like dude I’d love to go to a market where everything is black, that would be sick. The only problem is that it isn’t the fastest way to deliver slaves because that would be blackmail. The thing is slaves jokes aren’t very funny, I’d give each one about a 3/5. Let’s be honest here the only way I am allowed to buy slaves is with my MasterCard and the black market doesn’t usually accept it so blackmail it is. My question is if 5 slaves where to have an orgy would it be considered a 3 way?
Day 29: Truck I wonder if I get hit by a truck will I be transported to another world where I would be overpowered and have a harem? That would be nice but unlikely. My reason being is that there is always at least one loli in a harem and knowing my luck that isn’t possible.
Day 30: Quince I swear Mexicans are dirty as fuck. Not dirty in the physical way I mean mentally. Now that I realize it’s both physically and mentally. My reason being they are gardeners for physical so they get literally dirty. For mentally they have this special drink call horchata first of all this drink has to do with hors and second of all it is as white as cum. If I wasn’t a professional I would have actually thought it was cum because it actually tastes like it. This white liquid is the liquid they serve from the youngest child to the most senior in the room. If there were to be an orgy horchata will definitely be there. Btw doesn’t horchata kinda sound like a stripper name. Like some stripper is giving you a lap dance and you can’t help but moaning her name like “ohh horchata, just like that”
submitted by ImWatching_ to NNN [link] [comments]

Three hookups in on day: a Fairly gross experience

Confession: My boner doesn’t exactly work the best these days. Truth be told, it might have never done. I get a severe form of performance anxiety. Like Costanza, trying to get the condom on is enough to make me start going rubbery. Not a good look.
So Friday afternoon I finally asked my doctor sheepishly about boner pills and she was just like “sure thing” and whipped out a one-pill sampler for me. She told me to try it out and get back to her if it worked. The pill was huge but bro-doc told me that if performance anxiety is really the only issue, I’ll only need half of it or less to maintain the initial boner. Good deal bro doc, I’ve never been so glad that my doctor has been corrupted by drug manufacturers.
I was due in at a conference in NYC on Monday morning so I decided to stay sunday night in NYC, and I determined that this day would be Boner Fest.
I got up early and arrived in Manhattan around 9:30, went to a starbucks, and started swiping. Dozens of hits before I even finish my coffee. I indiscriminately copy paste the same thing to each target. “Good morning beautiful, want to hang out today?” I’m only interested in women who want to meet and talk, none of this pen pal bullshit - I fucking hate texting!
I hang out in starbucks for about 45 minutes before I convince a cute girl to meet me there. We chat for a while. I learn quickly that she’s looking for the Jim to her whatever the fuck. I explain that I’m not looking for that at all. She claims to respect my honesty. We part ways.
In the meantime while wasting time with that babe, several more matches to paste to, and a couple fish on the line for a meeting. I love a gal who says, “Oh thank god, I hate the endless texting, just invite me out on a date already lol.” Because, really people. Fuck texting.
I agree to meet another girl in Harlem. Driving through new york is insane even on a sunday. Pedestrians literally look at you like a douche bag because you aren’t brave enough to run them over. If you delay for a split second at a green light, everybody honks. I myself am looking for opportunities to honk at a New Yorker and assert my outlander dominance.
I had never actually visited Harlem before. It’s much closer to manhattan than you would think, and it’s not the 1980’s Josh Baskin shithole I had expected. I saw more hipsters than anything. The aromas of skunky weed and craft brew in the air.
It’s nearly noon now and I’m singing along to Billy Jean on the radio at a traffic light. I turn my head and see a very fine looking young woman with a glorious fro in the car next to me, glancing at me because I’m singing. I roll down the window and crank it to max, then I pour my soul out at her as I reach toward her car, lip syncing “PEOPLE ALWAYS TOLD ME, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, DON’T GO AROUND BREAKING YOUNG GIRLS HEARTS...” She was laughing at me, an old white dude in sunglasses. But she displayed her tongue and teeth, which is an opening to me.
I turn down the radio and as the light is turning green, I yell “Follow me!” out the window. And she actually does! Could this be the elusive, random, real life pickup that I thought didn’t exist anymore? Maybe I am fucking leisure suit larry.
I find a spot where you’re not supposed to park and I stop there. She stops behind me and stays in her car. I get out and approach like a reverse cop and remove my sunglasses. I say, “Holy smokes you’re hot!” She thanks me in a thick accent and giggles, turns out she’s Jamaican. I tell her, look, I know this is a weird way to meet and everything but when I saw you I just couldn’t resist. Everything I say to this girl elicits a giggle, I think I’m basically in.
We park near her apartment and then go to a nearby coffee shop. We talk for a while, she’s a yoga instructor, loves dogs, cooks good. I keep saying things that make her giggle, and I get several “White guys are so weird” comments. I’m definitely in, baby.
She invites me back to her apartment, so I excuse myself to the coffee shop bathroom and I bite off half the boner pill and swallow it with gross NYC sink water. We walk to her apartment.
She has the tiniest, dorm-sized apartment I’ve ever been in. The kitchen connects directly to the bedroom with no door. This makes it extra inconvenient that she has an energetic fucking dog that jumps all over the place. Oh well, I think, just pretend to like that fucking dog. This is the final boss.
I play with the dog while she pours out some wine. I hadn’t expect to be drinking at noon but this indicates she probably wants to get naughty.
We drink a glass and talk some more, then a I lean in to kiss her. She lets me, and we make out for a few minutes while the obnoxious dog keeps jumping up on our laps.
I start fingering her (very wet) pussy and she then suddenly announces, “Let’s walk Charlie!” FUCK! I’m starting to wonder how long these boner pills will last. She’s getting nervous I can see. And who wouldn’t be? I’m a fucking boner pill eating old white weirdo.
I walk with her. It’s cold but I keep on doing the dance, churning out the giggles, learning about life in Jamaica and her psychic grandmother, acting interested. Well actually, I was pretty fucking interested about the grandma thing to be honest. Her accent is damn adorable, too.
We finally return to her apartment, cold AF, and we have one more glass of wine. I’m getting tipsy because I’m really not much of a day drinker and I haven't eaten. But when in Jamaica…
The second glass down and we start making out again and she puts on some music and we dance and grind. She laughs at how shittily I dance, makes fun of me one more time for being white, then I finally had enough and I throw her onto the bed and strip her down.
This gal was so wet that her panties were clinging to her and it looked like she pissed herself. I think this scenario really appealed to her in some way. Older white guy, clandestine meeting, etc. Her clit was very swollen. I started to rub it and she moaned loudly and came immediately and now juices are pouring out of her. She’s either a nympho or way into me specifically.
She tells me she wants me insider her and she’s pleading like she’s desperate. And the fucking dog is sitting there watching all this.
I’m hard as fuck, so now the moment of truth. I roll a condom onto my hard cock and SUCCESS! This boner ain’t going nowhere buddy. Rock hard, and looking bigger than usual, and every inch counts for my ridiculous dick, trust me. Swollen, stiff, fucking rigid. I loved my boner at this moment and it filled me with a sense of masculinity, which is rare for a limp dicked beta such as myself.
I start fucking her in every configuration possible. Legs up, legs down, her on top, me on top, doggy style with spanking. She was moaning loudly and nearly out of breath, doing these stilted little squeaks as though she was breathing her last. Meanwhile the dog is barking and she keeps having to say in stilted, staccato breaths, “Charlie… shut… the… fuck…. up”
She must have come at least ten times or more. Again, I’m no stud over here and I’ve never seen a woman respond to me like this. Lightning struck her that day I think, and my proposition was pinpoint accurate on her fantasies. At least I’ve been telling myself that ever since.
I cum with her on top while squeezing her firm breasts. By the end of it the bed was soaked through and her legs were shivering. My balls were soaked in her juices. I raked my fingernails over her thighs and her body quaked and she moaned loudly, like someone being tortured with hot irons. Her entire body was sensitive and she was fucking mindless and legless.
I put this girl into the mother fucking sunken place.
I’m feeling pretty good about myself at that point! The dog must have thought I fucking murdered her, it was whining loudly at this point. It was a very weird combo of sounds and experiences. I promise you, my boner would not have survived that dog chaos without the pill!
She wants me to nap with her but I tell her I’m not tired and I have to meet friends for lunch. I suddenly remember the Tinder girl I was supposed to be meeting RIGHT NOW. FUCK.
We agree to see each other again soon. And with this wet little jamaican sex pot, I really mean it this time.
It’s nearing 2 pm at this point, and I turn tinder back on to find a VERY annoyed harlem lady who I was supposed to meet. She’s been waiting at the coffee shop for nearly an hour now. Fuck. I mistakenly agree to meet her anyway.
I arrive at the harlem coffee shop and there she is, looking pretty glum, but hot as fuck. Very hot in fact. She looks like Seven of Nine from star trek. Tight blonde woman in her early 30s, dressed like a lawyer on a Sunday afternoon. High quality alpha female type.
She did not respond at all to my lies and excuses about being late. She just acted super annoyed and disappointed, kept glancing off in the distance and looking over her shoulder. She was steaming worse than a bucket of clams, not laughing at my jokes. Probably not impressed that I look like a mess and smell like wine! But like, why the fuck did she agree to still meeting me anyway, just so I could see how pissed she was? wtf
Since the situation was looking dire, I took a shot and asked her if she wanted to go somewhere to get spanked. She said nope, so I apologized for my tardiness and bounced. I guess I didn’t impress enough to excuse being horrendously late. I blocked her so I wouldn’t have to cringe when I saw her thumbnail again.
I bounced to the next shop over and watched her walk down the street while I fired up the phone again, my ultimate sidekick instrument of evil.
Huge amount of matches now. This is what happens in a city. Now I can be very selective. I select a very cute 19 year old Asian NYU student whose profile leans toward the risque. I ask her out for a drink, she reminds me she’s not old enough to drink and doesn’t have a fake ID. I ask her to smoke weed with me since then we will both be criminals. She agrees.
We meet in the part of Central Park that has a lot of rocks and horse shit smells. I don’t know how these fucking New Yorkers can stand hanging outside so much. I’m shivering out there. This girl is wearing sheer leggings with exposed ankles and acting like it’s no big deal.
We sit on a bench and toke on a nice strawberry TCH vape pen I got from DC. We talk about NYU and her home town in Jersey. I’ve also lived in Jersey in the past so we bond over that. She’s planning to go into medicine and suddenly I’m thinking, oh shit. I could marry a young doctor. These thoughts don’t normally go through my head, but damn if I don’t see a golden opportunity when I see one! A doctor less than half my age would have a long shelf life. But anyway, digress mother fucker, back to the mission at hand.
The vape pen is particularly impressing her because she doesn’t like to smoke. I offer her a THC lollipop that I also got in DC, but I warn her that she better be somewhere safe before eating those cuz they will put you in the twilight zone. She doesn’t know what the fuck the twilight zone is but she invites me back to her NYU apartment/dorm/residence hall or whatever.
We arrive and it’s extremely awkward to pass the procession of young people in the halls. I’m older than a lot of their professors and here I am walking some young girl back to her fucking dorm. I have gray hair in my beard FFS.
We finally negotiate into her pod area or whatever and luckily nobody else is there. I break out the pops and she selects a green one. I realize what a child she is when she starts chewing and biting on it. I was wincing inside with each crunch.
We continued talking but as the minutes dragged on she started to get that, “what was I just talking about?” super stoned thing going on, and lots of giggles. And she’s now pounding a bag of cheetos.
She says, “So… what do you like in a girl?”
I tell her, “Whatever you got baby” and I lean in and start kissing her. She tastes like cheetos. I kiss her neck and she’s very responsive so I peel off her yoga pants and examine her pussy. So smooth and cute. I don’t normally do this with girls I just met but she’s very young and also looks clean and put together, so I just say fuck it and I start sucking her clit real good and fingering her. Herpes be damned! I’m rolling those dice, baby.
She moans and cums pretty quickly (not nearly as quickly as my jamaican queen). Then she goes to take off my pants and return the favor. I suddenly realize, OH SHIT, I still have the jamaican stank on my balls, I can’t let her do this. It probably smells like a goddamn garbage barge after stewing down there for hours.
I ask her if she has a condom and she says no, but she can give me a blowjob to return the favor. Fuck. I did not plan this one good enough. And my dick is rock solid, I’m fairly certain the boner pills are still working because it’s not going anywhere. And my balls hurt. Here’s my fantasy, a 19 year old wants to suck me off and I didn’t think to wash my fucking dick.
So I told her I feel uncomfortable because I haven’t showered so I don’t want her to have to experience that. She laughs and says “well what do you want?”
So I settled on getting jerked off while I rubbed her smooth legs and firm, small boobies. She jerked me until I came all over myself basically. I forgot how bad young girls are at cum management. She laughed and gave me a towel to wipe off my shirt and pants leg. But facts are facts, I was going to have to do the walk of shame out of this place with cum stains.
I asked her if she wanted to hang out again later, she said yes, and I told her the same lie about meeting people and I got the fuck out of there as fast as I could.
I needed to remedy my ball stank and cum stain issue so I decided to check into my hotel at that point and take a breather. I slipped the valet 10 bucks to just watch my illegally parked car and move it if a cop came because I didn’t want to walk for blocks in this cold ass fucking city.
I took a hot shower, got changed, and laid down for a minute to reflect and plan. I was feeling pretty woozie at this point because it’s not even 5 o’clock yet and I’ve already had wine and weed. I brewed a pot of coffee in the room and slugged back a few cups while tindering.
To be frank, I was not horny at all at this point. I had those post-porn PTSD feelings where I didn’t even want to do anything anymore. But I decided to push this as far as it could go. I had never been with two girls in one day, so let’s see if we can set a same day record.
I aggressively message at least 50 people, “Hey, want to hang out in my hotel room tonight?” To an almost unanimous chorus of “I’m not not that kind of girl.” I felt kind of bad about it. It’s pretty gross and women hate it, but what can I do? I was getting tired and I’m sick of talking to other humans at this point. I think I was going slightly insane at that moment from overstimulation.
Finally somebody takes me up on it, but wants to meet at her place. She’s 45, recently divorced, and sowing wild oats. She thinks of me as “a baby” she keeps saying, even though I’m nearly 40 myself. Apparently she’s fairly rich, having just divorced a famous executive I had never heard of. The fact that I had never heard of him seemed to annoy her in some way.
I swallow the other half of the boner pill then go to her apartment in Manhattan, and the place is fucking amazing. I don’t know shit about new york but this seems like the nice part of town. Totally opposite of my other encounters. It’s huge for one thing, immaculately kept except that there were tons of unopened boxes and plastic wrapped furnishings everywhere. She must really be freshly divorced.
What I liked about this encounter is that clearly this lady was trying to impress me, a younger man. I was for once in my life on opposite footing where she was showing me all the cool features of her house, how she can control the lights with her ipad, etc. and trying to really impress me with who she knows and where she’s been. Kept saying, “So trust me, I’m not a bad person to know.” or “Trust me, you could do a lot worse.” It was kind of endearing and desperate at the same time. This lady was making sure she still had the goods and I could tell!
We sit for a while and chat over wine. She whines about Trump and how the country is doomed and shit. I pretend to agree even though I don’t actually care either way. I’ve been on reddit enough to know all the talking points so I was impressing her with all my deep cut political knowledge. I would just have to say something like, “How about this AOC character” and that would get her going on a diatribe for 5 minutes, leaving her with the impression that I know something and that i’m in her political tribe. When in actually I don’t care nor vote and I’m just a weirdo nihilist creepazoid type figure with a bad boner.
I’m feeling sick to my stomach at the idea of kissing her at this point and I just want to leave. I’ve genuinely had my fill, and I haven’t eaten and I’m starting to feel sick. Every joke I make is at great pains now. I’m listening carefully to her and responding, but it is taking all my effort.
But fuck it. I take out some tic tacs because i’m detecting a stank on my breath, and I tell her, “I’m just going to shake out some tic tacs because I’m going to kiss you. Want any?”
She says, “Oh, you are??” and takes some.
I chew my tictacs like the college girl from earlier, then I lean in and kiss her. She’s a very aggressive, tonguey, slobbery kisser. I think she’s been married for a long time because she doesn’t have a very chill kissing technique. Too much tongue baby! The tongue should just brush against each other a little every now and then, it’s not supposed to be teenage spin-the-bottle style tongue-in-throat. It was making my nausea worse and at one point I nearly gagged.
Nevertheless, she was stroking my penis over my pants so I was getting very hard. She pulls out my cock and starts sucking it. Once again, bad technique. Teethy and fast. No teasing, no swirling, no ball play, in fact no hands of any kind. Just up and down like somebody with no experience. Very strange. I thought older women were supposed to be very good at this. But she is moaning while sucking me so I think it’s all making her pretty horny.
I finger her a little and then I put on a condom which I remembered to bring this time. I fucked her in a tired, bored fashion with our sweaters and socks still on. None of the positioning and pizazz of my jamaican sweetie who by this point seemed ages ago.
I cummed out what must have been dust particles at that point. The condom didn’t even seem very full at all and the orgasm was lackluster. I don’t even know if she came, I didn’t even wait to find out. I was getting a very uncomfortable feeling at that point. Ladies and gentleman, this reporter has officially had his fill. I am no ancient roman, that’s for sure.
So I made excuses and left, vaguely agreeing to a future encounter.
Arriving back in my hotel, I hit that bed harder than you’ve ever seen. My penis felt sore and worn out, the thought of sex or human interaction was horrendous at this point. Like porn PTSD times a million. I turned tinder on for a minute, read one “sure, let’s meet” comment, the shut it right the fuck down. Too much.
So short story long, the pills worked.
submitted by chesterfieldelitist to seduction [link] [comments]

Some involuntary cels have a point, and here's what they're right (and wrong) about

So, before you start calling me an Incel niceguy - I get laid pretty frequently, I'm one of those disgusting promiscuous people. Go figure.

Here's the opinion I have. Niceguys or Incels (usually one and the same, fortunately. I'd rather not have two groups of retards around) have a decent point, but not in the way you think. They're viewpoints are completely flawed and biased and tilted too far up their self-pitying ass, but they constantly talk about how they don't get girls because "They respect girls". (I mean, no? You don't..?) But anyway, I digress. I'm only here to talk about the view they have and not about what Incels do.

It is correct, to a strong degree. Respecting women, there are multiple ways. There is one which lands you in the pathetic loser zone where you can be forever virgin, and there's also the one which gets you massive amounts of pussy. Most people do the former and then complain. I'll also talk about how you actually can get pussy easily, (Or if you're looking for a less casual, proper relationship - how to get a girl to like you, which is completely different but I'll talk about it after). Most guys you see, usually fail horrendously at trying to pick up a chick. I see most people fucking up over tinder or something, and my advice for people on Tinder is - get the fuck off tinder. No online interaction can ever translate your in - person charisma. Up front and personal is the way to go, and you can actually meet real hot singles in your area instead of that bitch who's really just in it for the money - the money that comes from selling your kidneys.

Let's talk about "respecting women". Losers constantly respect women in a way that immediately puts them into the total friend zone and virginville. Really, that's where Incels are right. You can't respect women if you want to get in their pants - at least, not that way. What Incels get wrong is that you really, really need (and I shouldn't need to say this) some basic respect for everyone. Women or men, you can't treat women like a fleshlight and it's worse if you see them that way. If you do, you're ending up in virginville anyway but with an extra side of salt.

Anyway, many men constantly act as the "sucker". You smile too wide, you laugh too loud, and you're there too often. You pay too much attention to her, you listen all the time, and you have the social skills of a dying walrus. That shit? You may think it makes her like you, and you're right - but she likes you because -

Look, you need to respect women - but you need to respect them the same way you'd respect your guy friends. Hang out, have fun, do whatever - please, for the love of God, don't be interested in whether she's going to sleep with you. There is no girl you absolutely need. There are always other fish in the sea, and the sooner this becomes your attitude - "I don't care if you think I'm hot or if you sleep with me", the more they will sleep with you. This is because they see the confidence in you which is attractive. Even if you're not confident, just act. You act long enough, it becomes reality. Don't treat women like whores, respect them - but don't get hung up on sleeping with one particular one.

Also, Flirting. Is. Not. Bad. You need to flirt and joke and keep a good mixture of both to maintain sexual tension in the air, but not enough to overload her - yet not so low as to be unnoticeable. Keep sexual tension in the air, be funny, and don't prioritize. She's just another girl, you have shit to do - work, study, whatever. Don't give her excessive importance. (Don't mistake this for "don't give her any importance", ya Incel)

I generally pick up girls the same day I meet them, by learning to spot which ones would be okay with that one night stand and never see each other again thing I want. Use the above - flirt, get touchy (No, you pervert scum. Just occasionally, a hand on her shoulder or a tap on her arm. Friendly, not sexual) and keep a decent amount of sexual tension in the air. She'll be going home with you later, if you weren't a creep and even if she doesn't, maybe she just doesn't feel like it. No biggie, thank her for the good time and fuck off. You should have fun doing this, because it's fun to get to know new people. Of course, if you would rather not sleep with a stranger you just met, then you just extend the above points to a few weeks - no more. Any more and she'll lose interest in someone who still hasn't made a move. Over these weeks, set up hangouts (don't call them dates) and just have fun. Go to the arcade, to a streetside lunch, or just a park to walk around and talk. Absolutely no to dinner, movies, all that shit. You need to interact with her and have fun and, you know, talk and learn about her. Not stare at a screen for 90 minutes before saying thanks and heading home like the retard who still lives with Mother.

But, scrap all of that - I know this girl I really like, and I wanna get in a relationship with her!

Not to worry. But please, don't do the above points for this one. If you do, most girls will assume you're that guy hoping for a casual fuck. I can't stress this enough, so many people just ignore it, but you need to build a friendship with her. Like, an actual friendship. Not that "hey" "hey" "how are you" "I'm good and you" "I'm great, and you" "in fine, and you" "I'm late, I need to go creep" "yeah same bye"

Talk to her, hang out, text frequently, learn about what she likes, dislikes, make jokes, let yourself open up and get vulnerable. She'll subconsciously do the same. You're becoming closer friends. You should feel good about that, by the way - you like her, right? If you don't like becoming closer to her, you probably don't. Back out and sort out your feelings, don't get into something fake. Anyway, assuming you like her - don't let up on the sexual tension. This is actually the only constant point in this post.

The problem I see with guys everywhere, whether they're going for casual sex or if they really like a girl, is that they try to impress her. Just stop - impressing her isn't worth shit. Don't do that. In the end she'll just be impressed, but she won't be any more attracted to you because there's always another guy doing what you should be doing. The aim shouldn't be to impress her, but to arouse her for casual sex, and for a relationship, just be yourself. Don't make false advertisements. Keep up the sexual tension, but let her know you care about her and let it grow naturally. If you've kept the sexual tension turned on, and also grow as friends, the natural destination is really a relationship. She's probably going to develop a small crush on you soon if you do it well (yeah, yeah, crushes are for teenagers - well, not really. Women are much more emotionally power than men. They can have crushes, and in fact - so can men.) From here on out, it's smooth sailing. You should care about her more every day, and the same will apply to her and eventually one of you will ask the other out. Don't be mistaken - this date isn't like your average Tinder retard date. Don't act the same way. And if you like her, you won't. You're all set.

Finally, I'll flesh out what it means to maintain sexual tension. It doesn't mean making those raunchy shit pickup lines and obvious advances. It means making sexual jokes, but only half joking - half serious. She needs to know you find her attractive and you'd like to show her some, ah... Well. Girls aren't as decent as you'd think. They're just like us, actually - they like a little rough sex, they like their face mushed into the pillow sometimes, or hair yanking. Whatever. So don't let yourself get caught up or self conscious. Be unapologetically you and joke around with with your intentions. Make them funny, make her laugh, but at times, turn her on. Be interesting, tell her about yourself. People like interesting people. Show her your drawings, and when she compliments them, say something about how you're looking for a sexy naked girl as your next motif - make Michelangelo proud. Remember, there's a fine line between being creepy and being charming. Take care.

So, finishing it up, Incels are right on one count - respecting women takes various forms, you're probably doing it wrong and doing it that way eradicates your chances of not going home and using your tears as lube for your hands. "I respect women so I don't get girls" - Correct! Now, change it to another form and act like a decent human being, and you might have a chance :)
submitted by it_comes to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

best tinder pickup lines to get laid video

Freestyle Tinder Pick Up Lines Pt 2 Cute Tinder opening lines Dirty Pick Up Lines On Tinder Funny Tinder Pick Up Lines - YouTube All of Harry's terrible pick up lines from SIDEMEN TINDER ... Best Pick up Lines EVER 4 !! Jefo - YouTube DIRTY PICK UP LINES ON TINDER - YouTube r/Tinder — TOP POSTS WITH GF! How To Get Girls  Tinder Pickup Lines That'll Make You Do The Thumbnail  Reaction

My List of Best Tinder Openers. Today’s lines have more flavor than the messages I shared yesterday. The point of yesterday’s lesson was to teach you how using basic opening lines filters out the chat buddies and girls who aren’t genuinely interested in you. This is the route I take, but it doesn’t mean I don’t get creative from time to time. Here’s a solid mix of good pick up Also a very humorous tinder pick up lines to get laid that can be used in many situations. It means exactly what is sounds like. It can give you much to talk about. It must be used at a good time as it can sound as much as creepy as it can humor. 7. Are you a bank loan? Because you have my interest. A very cheesy but humorous tinder pick up line. It’s a nice opener but it also shows your interest in your partner. It’s funny if the receiver has a good sense of humor otherwise it’s a no go. To get the matches, you’ve to be unique, interesting and well prepared. You’ve to be different, if not hot, to turn the tables around in your favor and the first step to do is use tinder pick up lines. Below, we’ve shared cheesy, funny, and clever tinder pick up lines to get you results. You can drop your best tinder pick up lines in the Your Pickup Line. You’re about to discover 13 sexual pickup lines you can use on Tinder. (Yes, right now.) These lines engage girls in a playful, sexual, and flirty way. All 13 are lines that you can literally steal and implement. I know what you're probably thinking: 71 Best Tinder Pick Up Lines For Guys & Girls. Girls are so bored of “Hey!” or “How’s it going?” that they likely won’t reply at all if you go with that. “ Hey! ” is just plain boring and, most likely, leading to a deadpan conversation where you expect them to ask “ How are you ?” next. Read on to see which online dating opening lines are best in 2020! What is a Tinder opener and the purpose of it? Don’t fall under the impression that a magical pickup line is going to get you laid. It sure helps you set the right frames and can dictate the conversation but all that it does is it gets the girl’s attention. A hot girl will always have 100’s of matches to go through. And The Best Pick Up Lines For Guys On Tinder | Tinder Swipe Life . swipelife.tinder.com › post › pick-up-lines-for-guys. May 19, 2020 · 15 Men Share Their Most Successful Tinder Opening Lines · Hi. · To get a better idea ofDuration: 1:49 Posted: May 19, 2020. 70 Dirty Tinder Pick-Up Lines for Men and Women - PairedLife - Relationships. pairedlife.com › dating › 35-Dirty-Pickup Best Tinder Pick Up Lines To Get Laid – Based on Real Experiences. December 14, 2019 by Alexis Taylor. Most of us are always looking for the best pickup line ever but the truth is that it doesn’t exist. Every match is a different type of person, which means that you have to be creative and lookup for any information that is related to their personality. For example, you can look at their Here’s how Hooked gets you laid on Tinder using a system of genius pick up lines and icebreakers. If you want to skip all the free tips and lesson stuff, then you can click here to go straight to the Hooked website and get the system for yourself. First I’ll explain what it is – then I’ll tell you what I learned that actually works. The How many times on Tinder have you texted a beautiful girl only to be ignored? Tinder is an excellent platform for dating and will enable you to match with singles in your area. But most times you lack what to say to your matches, and it’s during these times that you will want that sexy pickup line. Besides, some matche

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Freestyle Tinder Pick Up Lines Pt 2

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best tinder pickup lines to get laid

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